Корректный анализ общей ситуации в отрасли и конкуренции — важная предпосылка для
Разработки хорошей стратегии, основанной на ясной и объективной картине внешней среды, В которой действует фирма. РЕКОМЕНДОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. D’Aveni, Richard A., Hypercompetition (New York: Free Press, 1994), ch. 5, 6. 2. Ghemawat Pankaj, “Building Strategy on the Experience Curve”, Harward Business Review, March-April 1985, p. 143-149. 3. Kahaner, Larry, “What You Can Learn from Your Competitiors’ Mission Statements”, Competitive Intelligence Review, Winter 1995, p. 35—40. 4. Langley, Ann, “Between ‘Paralysis by Analysis’ and ‘Extinction by Instinct’”, Sloan Management Review, Spring 1995, p. 63-75. 5. Linneman, Robert E.; Harold E. Klein, “Using Scenarios in Strategic Decision Making”, Business Horizons, January-February 1985, p. 64-74. 6. Porter, Michael E., Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (New York: Free Press, 1980), ch. 1. 7. Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), ch. 2. 8. Porter, Michael E., “Clusters and the New Economics of Competition”, Harward Business Review, November—December 1998, p. 77-90. 9. Thomas, Howard; Timothy Pollock; Philip Gorman, “Global Strategic Analysis: Frameworks and Approaches”, Academy of Management Executive, February 1999, p. 70—82. 10. Zahra, Shaker A.; Sherry S. Chaples, “Blind Spots in Competitive Analysis”, Academy of Management Executive, May 1993, p. 7-28.