Упражнение 1
Переведите предложения и запишите их.
- That’s Nick’s bag.
- These are my cables.
- Where are those documents?
- Who is that man?
- This country is rich in coal.
- I don’t know that woman.
- These are Mary’s children.
- That’s my form.
Упражнение 2
Измените единственное число существительных на множественное число, соответственно заменяя указательные местоимения.
1. This is a black pencil. - These are black pencils.
2. That is my book. - Those are my books.
- Give Ben this contract.
- That bag is nice.
- That man is manager.
- Please give me this pencil.
- This book isn’t interesting.
- That teacher teaches English.
- Look at this picture!
- Where is that document?
Упражнение 3
Составьте и запишите как можно больше предложений, используя слова и словосочетания из таблицы.
| me
| this
| pictures
| him
| that
| window
| her
| this
| newspaper
| us
| those
| cups
| them
| flat
| bag
Упражнение 4
Перед вами разорванная заметка из газеты. Билл разорвал ее, так как эта заметка о нем.
- Прочитайте ее содержимое и переведите
- Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке
- Перепишите заметку, заменяя this и these на that и those.
- Then they escaped.
- He met these boys.
- Billy pointed the gun at this teller and said: “Give us the money!”
- One day these boys went into the bank.
- They began to rob.
- This is a Billy.
- Two days later the FBI took these boys to the police.
- He dropped out of this school.