Where was printing invented?
A) Luxemburg B) London C) Paris D) Netherlands E) Mayence By whom was printing invented? A) Margaret Paston B) William Caxton C) Thomas Occleve D) Johann Gutenberg E) Henry Cecyl When was printing invented? A) In 1238 B) In 1538 C) In 1438 D) In 1638 E) In 1338 The greatest poet of 18 century who edited Shakespeare’s works in 1725 A) Charles Butler B) Alexander Pope C) Joseph Addison D) Richard Steele E) Alexander Gill When did the English language penetrate into America? A) In the early 15th century B) In the late 18th century C) In the middle of 15th century D) in the middle of 19th century E) In the early 17th century The Scots led by whom rebelled against English rule in 14th century? A) Robert Bruce B) Benjamin Johnson C) Christopher Marlowe D) John Fletcher E) Edmund Spencer
Which event of 15th century did greatly help normalization of spelling? A) Civil War B) Introduction of printing C) Battle of Bunnockburn D) Emigration of Puritans E) Restoration In which country is English a state language alongside the Hindi and Urdu? A) Iran B) Thailand C) Israel D) India E) Iraq In which country did not English entirely supersede French? A) Canada B) Norway C) Finland D) Ireland E) Switzerland When was Ireland conquered by the English? A) In the early 15th century B) In the late 18th century C) In the middle of 15th century