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Прочтите текст С.

Text С

Command Economies

Another method of solving the economic problems is also one which has a long history. This is the method of eco­nomic command where the solutions to the economic prob­lems are worked out by some all-powerful authority which imposes its solutions on the population.

It is more usual to refer to the present-day command economies as planned economies although, strictly speaking, leaving the economy to run itself (i.e. laissez-faire) may be described as a kind of economic 'plan'. Nevertheless, in line with general usage, we shall use the term 'planned economy' to refer to an economy which is subject to a high degree of direct centralized control.

It is important to note that no modern economy is with­out some elements of command. In all developed and most underdeveloped countries, even those described as capital­ist, there is a large measure of government control. In the UK, for example, the government is the biggest business in the country.

Ownership and Control of Economic Resources Although economic planning may be employed in soci­eties where property is privately owned, it seems realistic to assume that a fully planned economy means one in which all the important means of production are publicly owned. In socialist societies all land, housing, factories, power stations, transport systems and so on are usually owned by the state. The logic of public ownership in these societies is based

upon the desire for a more equitable distribution of income and wealth. Private ownership of property leads to great inequalities of wealth, and this, in turn means that the wealthier groups are able to exercise great economic power. Such a situation implies great inequalities of opportunity. The better-


off members of society are able to use their greater wealth to obtain superior education, better health services, more effec­tive training, and better business opportunities.

Although land and capital maybe owned collective-1у rather than individually, it does not follow that control of these resources must be centralized. In some planned eco­nomics the state keeps a tight control on the use of eco­nomic resources and all important economic decisions are taken by powerful central committees. This is described as bureaucratic organisation, because the running of such an economy will require large numbers of planners and administrators to draw up and operate the national plan.

Alternatively, although the ultimate ownership of resources may be vested in the state, the control and day-to­day running of the farms, factories and shops may be hand­ed over to cooperative groups of workers and con­sumers. These organisations are usually described as 'workers' collectives, as opposed to the state enterprises which are controlled directly by the government.

One important feature of a society in which property is publicly owned is that there will be no form of personal income which is derived from the ownership of property. In the capitalist system incomes take the form of wages, inter­est, rent, and profits — the latter three of which arise from the ownership of various types of properly.

17. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык текст D.

Text D Mixed Economies

We have seen that there is some use of the market mechanism in planned economies. Likewise there is some

measure of state control in free market economies. Here the term mixed economy is used; it describes most of the economies in the noncommunist world. These countries are basically market economies, but all contain elements of state enterprise and governments in all of them intervene to modify the operation of market forces. They are mixtures of command and market economies.

In these mixed economies private property is an impor­tant institution. Supporters of the mixed system hold the view that private property provides an important incentive for people to work, save and invest. They oppose the aboli­tion of private property and argue that it is possible to pre­sent great inequalities of wealth from arising by the appro­priate government measures (e. g. heavy taxation of income and wealth).

The mixed economy has come into being as a result of increasing government intervention and control in capitalist countries. This development has been particularly extensive during the 20th century. There are many reasons for this increasing ability of governments.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the major characteristics of free market,
command and mixed economies?

2. To what extent do you agree with the view that the
needs of consumers are more likely to be satisfied in
a command than in a market economy?

3. How would you explain the increasing importance of
mixed economies?

4. Why is it often difficult to obtain agreement about
which type of economy is preferable?

5. Explain how an increased demand for a product is
likely to affect (a) the price of that product, (b) the
quantity produced, (c) the price of other products?


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