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Прочтите и переведите текст А. 2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

incomes, price, directed, determinant, take part, reduc­tion, output, subject, labour, rates, relationship, supply, treat, account, number, increase, services

1. Labour is... to the production of goods and....

2. The people who... in production are also con­

3. It is necessary to... labour somewhat differently from
the other factors.

4. There are social and political problems which have to
be taken into....

5. Both of these features are... to change.

6. The... of people who work is an important... of the
... of labour.

7. A fall in the supply of labour implies a... in the... of
goods and services.

8. There is a... between the amount of work offered and
the... paid for this work.

9. When wages... are relatively low, increases in wages
will tend to lead to an... in the supply of....

10. Higher... make leisure more attractive.

3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов: labour, apparent, factor, obvious, work, to consider, sup­plementary, cost, freedom, amount, to offer, quantity, to change, different, determinant, price, additional, to take into account, liberty, to transform, various, to suggest

4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

employment, fall, leisure, late, same, low, short, high, dif­ferent, work, small, early, large, unemployment, rise, long

5. Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов, исполь­
зуя нужные префиксы:

necessary, efficiency, available, prepared, important, employment, legal, normal, equal

6. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского
языка на английский:

производство товаров и услуг, производственный фактор, экономическая деятельность, социально-политические проблемы, права человека, таким же путем, в любой момент, ряд вещей, различные воз­растные группы, полная занятость, среднее число часов, постепенное сокращение рабочей недели, увеличение ежегодного отпуска

7. Образуйте 3 формы от следующих глаголов:

to direct, to provide, to undertake, to treat, to operate, to judge, to apply, to raise, to buy, to sell, to own, to offer, to give, to prepare, to change, to depend, to set, to engage, to control, to mean, to embrace, to define

8. Составьте предложения, используя следующие

1. is, labour, services, directed, the, to, of, production, and, goods.


2. who, the, are, people, take part, also, in, consumers,
production, the.

3. of, both, features, are, these, to, subject, change.

4. things, they, will, a, depend, of, upon, number.

5. make, incomes, attractive, higher, more, leisure.

9. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. The sum... these individual demands provides the busi­ness person... the incentive to undertake production.

2.... this reason it is necessary to treat labour somewhat differently... the other factors.

3. The question... how many hours... day a machine
should be operated will be judged solely... terms...
efficiency, output, and price.

4. It must be borne... mind that it is the services... labour
which are bought and sold, and not labour itself.

5. The supply... labour available... an economist is not
the same thing as the number... people... that com­

6.... any moment of time, they will depend... a number... things.

7. The size... total population set an upper limit... the
supply... labour.

8. The age competition... a population takes account...
the proportions... the different age groups.

9.... the UK the normal age... retirement is 65 years.

10. The gradual reduction... the working week has been
accompanied... an extension... the annual holiday

10. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The same question raise-additional considerations.

2. They will depend upon a number of things.

3. The age composition of a population takes account of
the proportions in the different age groups.

4. The normal age of retirement in the UK is 65 years.

5. This amounts to a reduction in the supply of labour.

6. Higher incomes make leisure more attractive.

7. High wage rates may reduce the amount of labour.

11. Заполните пропуски, используя в нужной форме
глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. Labour... to the production of goods and services (to

2. It is also the reason why economic activity... (to take

3. The people who... in production are also consumers
(to take part).

4. The sum of those individual demands... the business
person to undertake production (to provide).

5. it is necessary... labour somewhat differently from
the other factors (to treat).

6. There are social and political problems which have...
into account (to take).

7. The question of how many hours per day a machine
should be... will be judged solely in terms of efficien­
cy (to operate).

8. Both of these factors are subject... (to change).

9. Two countries might... the same total population (to

10. The age range 16 to 65 years... the working age
groups (to cover).

12. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What does the term 'labour' involve?

2. Why is it necessary to treat labour somewhat differ­
ently from the other factors of production?

3. Why cannot a firm buy and own labour in the same
way that capital and land can be bought and owned?

4. What is labour supply?


5. How is the supply of labour influenced by the size of
the total population?

6. What is the average age for retirement in the UK?

7. How may the working population be defined?

8. What amounts to a reduction in the supply of labour?

9. Why doesn't a fall in the supply of labour imply a
reduction in the output of goods and services?

10. What kind of relationship exists between the amount
of work offered and the price paid for that work?

13. Перескажите текст А.

14. Прочтите текст В и раскройте на английском
языке содержание пошлин:

'Capital', 'Working capital', 'Fixed capital', 'Wealth', 'Money'.

Text В Capital

Capital is a man-made resource. Any product of labour and land which is reserved for use in the further production is capital.

Capital was created when people began to make simple tools and implements to assist them in the production of food, the hunting of animals, and in the transportation of their possessions.

It might be helpful at this stage to deal with the confu­sion which commonly arises over the meanings of three important terms: capital, money, and wealth.

Capital, as already indicated, means any produced means of production.

Wea1th is quite simply the stock of all those goods which have a money value. Capital, therefore, is an impor­tant part of the community's wealth.

Money is a claim to wealth. From the standpoint of the community as a whole, money is not wealth, since we can not count both the value of real assets and the value of the money claims to those assets. From the point of view of the individual citizen, however, money represents a part of his personal wealth since he sees it as a claim on assets held by other people. To the individual business person, therefore, any money he possesses he regards as capital since it gives him a claim on resources now possessed by others. We must be quite clear, however, that money is not part of the national wealth.

Capital is usually divided into two types: that which is used up in the course of production and that which is not.

Working capital consists of the stocks of raw mate­rials, partly finished goods held by producers. These stocks are just as important to efficient production as are the machines and buildings. Stocks are held so that production can proceed smoothly when deliveries are interrupted and so that unexpected additional orders for finished goods can be met without changing production schedules. This kind of capital is sometimes called circulating capital because it keeps moving and changing. Materials are changed into finished goods which are then exchanged for money and this in turn is used to buy more materials.

Fixed capital consists of the equipment used in production — buildings, machinery, railways and so on. This type of capital does not change its form in the course of pro­duction and move from one stage to the next — it is 'fixed'.

15. Прочтите текст С и объясните, почему многие экономисты рассматривают предпринимательство в каче­стве одного из факторов производства.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 2697. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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