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Below are some examples of some typical expressions which you might hear or want to say when you go to a pub.

Asking someone to go out for a drink with you:
"Would you like to come out for a beer?" or "Shall we go for a drink after class/after work?"

Asking if you can buy a drink for someone:
"Do you want a drink?" or "What would you like to drink?" (quite formal)
"What are you having?" or "What can I get you?" (less formal)
"Would you like another drink?" (if the person has already finished a drink)

Replying to someone's offer to buy you a drink:
"Can I have the same again, please?" (if the person who is offering knows what you have been drinking)
"A pint of lager, please" or "Could you get me a vodka and orange?" (specifying a particular drink)
"I'm fine, thank you" (this means you don't want another drink)
"I'm fine at the moment, thank you" (this means that you not want another drink until later)

What the barman or barmaid might say to you:
"What can I get you?" or "Ice and lemon?" or "Anything else?"

What you may ask the barman or barmaid:
"Hello. Two pints of lager, a Tetley's Bitter and a packet of cheese and onion crisps, please"

You have to be 18 years old to order a drink in a pub. Some pubs will allow people over 14 years old to go inside if they are with someone who is over 18, but they are not allowed to go to the bar or to have an alcoholic drink (16 and 17 year olds can sometimes order an alcoholic drink with a table-meal). Family pubs welcome people with children and have facilities for them. Avoid using rough language in a family pub.

Normally people go to a pub with other people, and it is common for one person to offer to buy drinks for the others, especially at the beginning. This is known as buying a round of drinks. You should always offer to return the favour, either by paying for a round of drinks yourself, or by offering to buy a drink for the person who paid for your drink. Sometimes people each pay money (for example: 10 pounds) to one member of the group at the beginning of the evening and use this pot or kitty to pay for drinks when wanted, until the money is finished.

It is not common to offer a tip to the person at the bar. If you want, you can tell a member of the bar staff to " have a drink on me ", meaning that you will pay for the drink that he/she chooses (if you are offered a drink on the house, the pub pays for it).

Bans on smoking in enclosed public places (including pubs, bars and restaurants) were introduced throughout the UK in 2006/2007. You must go outside the building (for example to the pub garden, if it has one) if you want to smoke.

If you bump into someone and they spill their drink, you should offer to buy them another one.

Opening times depend on the conditions of the pub's licence. Standard opening times are between 11am and 11pm (10:30pm on Sundays or on public holidays; Scottish pubs generally do not open on Sunday afternoons). Since 24 November 2005 pubs can apply to extend these hours (opening earlier or closing later), so check the times when you arrive. Many places with extended hours open an hour earlier or close an hour later (eg at midnight): only a few places are open all night.

About 10 minutes before closing time (at about 10:50pm), the landlord will ring a bell and will tell people to order their last drinks (usually saying " Last drinks at the bar " or " Time, gentlemen, please "). The pub is not allowed to serve drinks after closing time. You must stop drinking 20 minutes after closing time; if you have not left by this time, the pub landlord may ask you to leave.

Do not drive after you have drunk alcohol. For information about how to call a taxi, see Travel/Transport/Taxi.
Please remember that people live near the pubs, so avoid making noise late at night.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 461. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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