Course postrequisites
Formation of skills and the use of scientific literature on specialty to obtain information to assist in the formation of professional competence, the mastery methods and techniques of structural and semantic analysis scientific text, the ability to retrieve from the text of the necessary information, generalize and interpret for use in the process of training and professional communication.
5. Course outline:
The purpose of the course: The purpose of discipline: is the improvement of linguistic and communicative competence of future professionals, as well as developing the skills of speaking and writing, allowing master the terminology according to the profession and to master the skills of the documentation.
The brief content of discipline: knowledge about the basic terms and their areas of application, general concepts and problems of modern industry of food products in English.
Results of the study: as a result of studying the discipline the student should master the practical classes on basic comprehension skills special disciplines, the ability to present acquired knowledge in the field of food products, analyze the current problems of the industry, master the to practice basic methods ofproduction and processing of food products using special terminology in English.
After the end of the study discipline a student must be competent: a more complete mastery of science, practice, technology of production and processing of food products in English, to be able to work in a team and advance their position during a discussion of special topics, be able to analyze their knowledge and ability to self-development.
6. Course content:a list of topics and summaries of lectures and laboratory practicals, SIWT and SIW.
6.1. List of lectures
| Lectures themes and summaries of questions
| Amount
per hour
| Literature
| Current control point
6.2 List of practical classes
| Lectures themes and summaries of questions
| Amount
per hour
| Literature
| Current control point
| Introduction. Food industry and their brief characteristics. Article (defined, indefinite). Work on special vocabulary.
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic raw materials of food industry.
Noun. Category of number and case. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the catering industry. Pronouns. The order of words in a sentence. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,5,9
| Basic terms used in the industry of meat and meat products. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Numerals (ordinal and quantitative). Work on special vocabulary.
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Main terms used in the industry of milk and dairy products. Question words. Forms of greeting, treatment. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,6,9
| Basic terms used in the industry of fish and fish products. Reflexive verbs. Forms of verbs present and future time. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the industry of production of vegetable oils and fats. Passive construction. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,8,9
| Basic terms used in the industry production of mayonnaise, ketchup and margarine. Modal verbs, modal verbs conjugation. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,8,9
| Basic terms used in the soft drinks industry. Forms of verbs of the past tense. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the industry of grain mill products. Compound sentences. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the wine industry. Complex sentences. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL –1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the sugar industry. Attributive subordinate clauses. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the brewing industry. Additional subordinate clauses. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Basic terms used in the confectionery industry. Complex sentences of purpose. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL –1,2
AL -1,2,3,7,9
| Basic terms used in the tobacco industry. Complex sentences of places. Work on special vocabulary.
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,9
| Total:
| | 10-20
7. List of topics for student’s independent work with teacher
| Themes
| Literature
| Form of control
| The deadline,
| Points
| Make a glossary for the topic - food additives, dietary supplements
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - catering services
| BL –1,2
AL -1,2,3,5
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - the production of meat and meat products
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1,2,3,4
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - milk and milk products
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,6
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - fish, non-fish objects, and their products
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1,2,3,4
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the vegetable oils and fats
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,8
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - the production of mayonnaise, ketchup and margarine
| BL –1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,8
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - soft drinks industry
| BL –1,2
AL -1,2,3,4
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - the production of sugar
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4
| description, in writing
| Make a glossary for the topic - confectionery industry
| BL – 1,2
AL -1,2,3,4,7
| description, in writing
| | Total:
| |
7.1. List of topics for student’s independent work
| Themes
| Literature
| Form of control
| The deadline
| Points
| One of the food products. General characteristics.
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Abstract
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Presentation
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Crossword
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL –1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Smart card
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Video film
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Technological scheme of production or processing. Fotmat A3
| 1,4
| One of the food products.
| BL – 1,2,3
AL -1-9
| Portfolio
| 1,4
| | Total
| | | |
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