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Task 1. Look through all the fairy tales you have worked at.Describe the main lexical, grammatical and compositional peculiarities of a fairy tale. Do it in writing.

Grammatical: one instead of “a”, inverted word-order, direct address, would (in the meaning of “бувало”); past tenses, different but typical forms of conveying future actions, use of conditional sentences (types 1 and 2), comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs (simple and complex), etc.

Lexical: word qualifiers (so, too, very), estimating adjectives, high-flown lexis, the use of similar connectors, similar lexical units used in the introductory and final blocks, the use of synonyms and antonyms, etc.

Compositional: similar compositional structure, the opposition of good and evil within the plot, introduction of animals acting to reveal noble and weak features of people’s characters, etc.

Task 2. Go over the texts of the fairy tales once again. Point out their similar phonetic features.

a) segmental level: the use of definite sets of vowels and consonants for the description of evil and good, positive and negative characters; b) suprasegmental level: similar intonational patterns in introductory and final passages; the use of the broken descending stepping scale in similar situations; the average moderate tempo of the fairy tale delivery; decrease and increase of tempo and loudness in conveying good and evil, positiveness and negativeness; modifications of voice tembre, etc.

Task 3. Scan the fairy tales you have worked at. Establish the phonetic ways of intensifying the meanings of key word, sentences, passages.

Task 4. Look through all the fairy tales you have worked at and select lexical and grammatical means describing positive and negative characters.

Task 5. Read the following words. Match them with the title of a fairy tale.

1. Route 2. Ladder 3. Edge 4. Feast 5. Sugar 6. Porridge 7. Curtain 8. Glasses 9. Mousetrap 10. Soup


a) The Gingerbread man (5) b) The Hare and the Tortoise (3) c) Cinderella (9) d) The Elves and the Shoemaker (7) e) Rumpelstiltskin (1) g) Sleeping Beauty (4) h) The Three Wishes (10) i) The Princess and the Pea (2) j) Little Red Riding Hood (8) f) Goldilocks (6)


Task 6. Scan the texts of the fairy tales. Find examples of tempo modifications in them. Establish their semantic value. Do it in writing.

Task 7. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian.

a) One day they decided to hold a ball for the Prince in the hope that he might find the bride.

b) When an invitation arrived at Cinderella’s house the ugly sisters would hardly contain their delight

c) They immediately rushed out to buy new dresses and talked of nothing else but the ball.

d) The only time they spoke to Cinderella was when they ordered her to fetch things for them.

e) “Oh, how I wish I could have gone to the ball”.

f) “Then you shall go to the ball”, said the fairy Godmother.

g) Whoever fitted the shoe he would marry.

h) But when she tried there was no way it would squeeze on her foot.

i) It may still be there today unless someone has eaten it.

j) “Why not pick some flowers for her?” he said.

k) With the wicked Wolf gone, Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma lived happily ever after.

l) They were unaware that they were being watched by the shoemaker and his wife.

Task 8. Spelling dictation. Listen to the following fairy tale. Write it down.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 821. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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