EXERCISE 12b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and participle adjectives from this section. Make all the phrasal verbs past perfect.
1. Mike told me that Jerry had been angry and was going to hit Bill, but that Jerry had then changed his mind and walked away. What had Jerry done? 2. Luis had written his name on a piece of paper to show that he had come to work. What had Luis done? 3. The carpenter had dropped suddenly from the second floor to the first floor through a hole IN the floor. What had the carpenter done? 4. Timmy had argued with his mother because he didn't want to go to bed. What had Timmy done? 5. Todd's explanation made a good impression on the jury. What had Todd's explanation done? 6. The rich lady had given the money to build an animal shelter. What had the rich lady done? 7. The host of the TV talk show had said that the dancing bear act was going to take place right after the commercial. What had the host of the TV show said about the dancing bear act? 8. The cook had turned the lid of the jar so that it was tight. What had the cook done? 9. In Question 8, how would you describe the lid of the jar after the cook turned it so that it was tight? 10. The homeless shelter had allowed them to sleep there overnight. What had the homeless shelter done? 11. The president canceled his vacation because a serious problem had suddenly occurred. Why did the president cancel his vacation? 12. We'd had a deal to buy a new house, but we didn't buy it because of a problem. What had happened to our deal? 13. Marsha's name had been mentioned during the meeting. What had Marsha's name done? 14. The Ortegas had built a fence around their swimming pool. What had the Ortegas done? 15. You had found some old newspapers while cleaning the attic. What had you done? 16. Miguel had traveled from Miami to New York. What had Miguel done? 17. The doctor had written her name on a piece of paper to show that she had left the hospital. What had the doctor done?