EXERCISE 11 c — Write answers to the questions using nouns and compound nouns from this section. There may be more than one way to answer a question.
1. The photographer always keeps two cameras with him. One is his main camera. He'll use the second if there's a problem with the first. What is the second camera? 2. The phone company says my telephone service will stop on July 1 if I don't pay my bill before that date. What is July I? 3. Dr. Smith is a new doctor. If he's not sure how to treat a patient, he'll call Dr. Wood for help. What is Dr. Wood to Dr. Smith? 4. You used the new exercise equipment to see if you wanted to buy it. What did you do to the exercise equipment? 5. The police arrested Mrs. Taylor's husband because he was beating her. A social worker visited Mrs. Taylor a few days later to talk to her. What did the social worker do? 6. The clothes I wore yesterday white I was exercising got very dirty. What got dirty? 7. We got food from a Chinese restaurant and ate it at home. What kind of food did we eat? 8. Because of construction, traffic on the interstate stopped and there was a long line of cars. What was on the interstate? 9. The number of arrests for burglary is a lot lower this year than last year. What has happened to the number of arrests for burglary? 10. Sally lost something very important on her computer because she didn't make another copy in case there was a problem with the original. Why did Sally have a problem? 11. At the edge of the continental shelf, the sea floor falls several thousand feet. What is at the edge of the continental shelf? 12. I made 7,000 copies on this photocopier. What did I do to the photocopier?