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EXERCISE 27a — Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Raquel ________ a piece of paper ________ and wrote her phone number on it.

2. After I washed the windows, I ______ them ______ with some old newspapers.

3. Jerry has to finish a lot of work before he goes home, so he probably won't ________ ________ until late.

4. It rained last night, so don't play outside until the grass ________ ________.

5. Be careful when you feed horses. They can _______ your finger right _______.

6. The doctor said the sedative would ________ ________ after four or five hours.

7. The shop owner was afraid to ________ the gang graffiti ________ his wall.

8. After Jake ________ ________ Hank, he was charged with murder.

9. During the storm, a tree branch ________ ________ and fell on the roof.

10. Youstwo kids have been arguing all day. ________ it ________ right now!

11. I can't use this old typewriter anymore. The painted letters have ________ ________ the keys.

12. The two sides couldn't agree on a solution, and the negotiations ________

13. I'll try to ________ ________ a few more pages of my book before I go to bed.

14. It was a long time before the shock of his brother's death ________ ________.

15. Don't put your glass of wine so close to the edge of the table. Someone might ______ it________.

EXERCISE 27b — Write three sentences using the objects in parentheses. Be sure to put the objects in the right place. Use right with questions 2 and 6.

1. Alex has bitten off. (the head of the gingerbread man, it)




2. The movers broke off. (the cup handle, it)




3. Please dry off. (the dishes, them)

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Don't knock off. (the ash tray, it)




5. Can I tear off? (these mattress tags, them)




6. The janitor washed off. (the blood, it)




7. She didn't wipe off. (the milk, it)





EXERCISE 27c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and participle adjectives from this section. Try to use right with some of the answers. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. I used water to remove the mud from my car. What did I do to my car?

2. Timmy forcibly removed the propellers of my model airplane. What did Timmy do to my model airplane's propellers?

3. In Question 2, how would you describe the model airplane's propellers?

4. You put your arm in the water, and the shark removed it with its teeth immediately. What did the shark do to your arm?

5. You could see that the ring wasn't solid gold because the brass under the gold was visible. What happened to the gold?

6. In Question 5, how would you describe the gold?

7. I accidentally hit the lamp with my arm, and it fell to the floor. What did I do to the lamp?

8. You used a paper towel to remove the glass cleaner from the mirror. What did you do to the mirror?

9. In Question 8, how would you describe the mirror after you removed the glass cleaner?

10. You have to remove the water from the table before you paint it. What do you have to do to the table before you paint it?

11. In Question 10, how would you describe the table after the water is removed?

12. You removed the gift wrapping paper from the gift. What did you do to the gift wrapping paper?

13. In Question 12, after using force to remove the gift wrapping paper, how would you describe the wrapping paper?

EXERCISE 27d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

clear up, 22 go up, 26 open up, 26 shut off, 26
come down, 24 heat up, 22 pay up, 22 start up, 26
eat up, 22 let in on, 26 plug up, 22 think ahead, 21
go over, 26 let up, 24 put together, 26 trade in, 24


1. If I don't come up with $230 by Friday, they're going to ________ ________ my electricity.

2. The guy from the collection agency demanded that Miguel ________ ________ immediately.

3. It rained for forty days and forty nights before it ________ ________.

4. If you had ________________,you would have everything you need now.

5. We had a lot of questions about our school project, but the teacher ________ them ________.

6. Mark said his audition didn't ________ ________ well, and he doesn't think he'll get the part.

7. Soldiers are trained to take their rifles apart and ________ them back ________.

8. I think $15,000 is a little high for that car. If you ________ ________ a little, I might be interested.

9. The police closed the illegal casino, but it ________ right back ________ a few days later.

10. No one at the party ate the carrot sticks, but they ________ the shrimp right

11. I hate using the stove on really hot summer days; it________the whole house ________.

12. The minimum wage hasn't ________ ________ in more than three years.

13. The senator ________ her aides ________ ________ her plan to run for the presidency.

14. I doubt if I'll get much if I ________ this old car ________.

15. The engine ________ right ________ when I turned the key.

16. My daughter put one of her stuffed animals in the toilet and _______ it _______.

28. FOCUS ON: passive phrasal verbs, 2

When separable phrasal verbs are in the passive, they cannot be separated by the object of the verb because the object of the active verb is the subject of the passive sentence — there is no object:

active : Jim called back Mike. passive: Mike was called back.
    subject     object     subject    
active : Jim called Mike back.            
  subject object        


    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
beef up beef up & beefs up beefing up beefed up beefed up


1. beef... up p.v. When you beef up security or some other arrangement to prevent or deal with a problem, you make this arrangement stronger.

After the terrorist attack, security was beefed up at the embassy.

The hospital decided to beef up its emergency facilities.

The coach is planning to beef the defense up.

beefed-up part.adj. After security or some other arrangement to prevent or deal with a problem has been made stronger, it is beefed-up.

The ambassador is confident that the beefed-up security will prevent any further terrorist attacks.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 609. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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