Wash off
wash off & washes off washing off washed off washed off 1. wash... off p.v. When you wash something off or wash the dirt off something, you use water and soap to remove dirt or unwanted items from a surface. Mike washed off his car. Mike washed the dirt off his car.
washed off part.adj. After you wash something off or wash the dirt off something, it is washed off. The maid said she had washed the grease off the wall, but the wall didn't look washed off to me.
1. wear off p.v. When the surface of something is gradually removed by friction or exposure to the elements so that what is beneath the surface is exposed, the surface wears off. You could see the wood where the paint had worn off. The gold wears off this cheap jewelry right away. worn off part.adj. After something has worn off, it is worn off. These ancient temples used to be very colorful, but now all the paint is worn off. 2. wear off p.v. When the effects of drugs or alcohol gradually go away, they wear off. The wounded soldier was in great pain after the morphine wore off. He's going to have a big headache after the vodka wears off. 3. wear off p.v. When an emotional feeling gradually goes away, it wears off. After the shock of getting fired wore off, I started to get angry. When I met Jim I fell in love immediately, but that wore off quickly as I got to know him better.