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EXERCISE 24e, Review — Complete the sentences with these nouns from previous sections. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

backup, 11 drop-off, 11 follow-up, 11 tryout, 11 crackdown, 23 dropout, 23 lineup, 18 workout, 11

1. The doctor said I was cured, but he wants me to see him in a year for a __________.

2. Drugs are getting to be a big problem in my son's school. I think it's time for a ________.

3. When I was nineteen, I was a _____________ with no future, but then I got smart and finished school.

4. After the accident, the human cannonball was dropped from the circus ____________.

5. The ______________ for the basketball team will be next Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

6. Janice just got back from the gym, and she's really exhausted from her ____________.

7. I use the program on the hard disk, but I have a ______________ on a floppy.

8. Business at the restaurant used to be good, but there was a big ______________ after that case of food poisoning.

EXERCISE 24f, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

bring over, 19 go beyond, 18 look around, 21 tell on, 15
cool off, 19 hang up, 9 settle down, 21 watch out, 23
count up, 22 hold out, 23 stay out, 23 wipe up, 22
figure on, 18 lift up, 19 step on, 21    


1. Young man, if you don't________________ of trouble at school, I'm going to send

you to military school!

2. These suitcases are so heavy I can barely ________ them ________.

3. A good history book doesn't simply tell you what happened, it ________ ________.

that and tells you why.

4. Todd got in trouble with his mother after he broke a window and his sister________ ________ him.

5. If you're going to that bad neighborhood late at night, please be careful and ________ ________ for muggers.

6. That museum is huge. If you want to see everything, you should ________ _______ spending the entire day there.

7. This coffee's way too hot. Can you get me an ice cube so I can _______ it _______?

8. That company wants to hire me, but I'm ________ ________ for more money.

9. My brother is going to visit tonight, and he's ________ his fiancee ________.

10. I've never been to this store before; I want to _____ _____ and see what they have.

11. My husband was very angry when our thirteen-year-old daughter came home at 4:00 in the morning, so I told him to ________ ________ and let me talk to her.

12. We had only twenty minutes to get to the airport, so we told the taxi driver to _______ ________it.

13. After the votes were ______ _______, Senator Dolittle was declared the winner.

14. Timmy, get a paper towel and ______ ______ this juice you spilled on the floor.

15. Leticia said good-bye and ________ ________ the telephone.

25. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and have to, have got to, and must

Have to, have got to, and must have two important uses in English. One is familiar to most students, the other is not.

But before discussing that, let's pay special attention to have got to. Have to and have got to mean exactly the same thing. Both are commonly used, and both are acceptable standard English. Have to derives from have, and have got to derives from have got. So why the got in have got to? A good question. Got in have got to means nothing and serves no purpose whatever. Have got to is a unique, idiomat­ic variation of have to. There is no point in trying to understand the grammar of have got to because there isn't any. Like other idioms, it must simply be memo­rized. Though have to and have got to mean the same thing, their forms are differ­ent, especially in questions and negative sentences. In the examples below, the contracted forms are the most common in everyday spoken English:

statement: You haveto come down. You havegotto come down.
    You haveto come down. You' vegotto come down.
question: Do you haveto come down? Have you gotto come down?
negative: You donothaveto come down. You havenotgotto come down.
    You don'thaveto come down. You haven'tgotto come down.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 465. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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