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EXERCISE 23c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. The union members are on strike, and some will not go back to work unless they get the 10 percent raise they demanded in the beginning. What are the union members doing?

2. Some union members accepted a 7 percent raise and went back to work, but not the union members in Question 1. What would you call the union members in Question 1?

3. Jim and his sister had a big fight, but they apologized to each other, and now everything is okay. What did Jim and his sister do?

4. Jake stopped going to high school before he graduated. What did Jake do?

5. In Question 4, what is Jake?

6. You considered buying either a Toyota or a Nissan, and then you made your decision. What did you do?

7. My elbow is very sore, so my doctor told me to play less tennis. What did my doctor tell me?

8. Most of the Democrats will vote in favor of the new law, but a few are resisting pressure to vote yes. What are the Democrats who don't want to vote yes doing?

9. In Question 8, what are the Democrats who don't want to vote yes?

10. Mr. and Mrs. Ortega went to a party and didn't come home until 3:00 a.m. What did they do?

11. The explorer's supply of food and water has to last for three months. What does the explorer's supply of food and water have to do for three months?

12. Erik invented a funny story for his daughter. What did Erik do?

13. In Question 12, Erik's funny story wasn't true. How would you describe it?

14. Mr. Flores cheats on his taxes, but so far he hasn't been caught. What has Mr. Flores done so far?

15. There are a log of big trucks on the road, so when you drive, you have to be careful. What do you have to do when you drive?

16. The police are going to start working harder to prevent crime. What are the police going to do?

17. In Question 16, what can you call the plan to work harder to prevent crime?

EXERCISE 23d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

aim at, 19 fall apart, 17 stand around, 18
believe in, 16 get through, 16 tell apart, 18
break through, 18 go for, 16 think about, 16
burn up, 22 grow out of, 17 wipe up, 22
come over, 17 hold off, 16    
count up, 22 put past, 16    


1. Do you want these baby clothes? My daughter has ________ ________ _______ them.

2. It's always a good idea to ________ ________ installing a new software version until they get all the bugs out.

3. Get a paper towel and ________ ________ the grape juice you spilled.

4. I'm not sure what I will do. I have to ________ ________ it.

5. I have a lot of work to do, so I probably won't ________ ________ until 4:00.

6. The twins look exactly like each other. How do you ________ them ________?

7. The walls of this fort are ten feet thick. No one could ________ ________.

8. We finished our card game, and Sean ________ ________ the points.

9. The new law is ________ ________ reducing air pollution.

10. I need to fix this table. It's ________ ________.

11. Rac|tiel suggested moving to the suburbs, and her husband ________ _______ the idea.

12. That guy's a lunatic. There's nothing I wouldn't ________ ________ him.

13. We________________the old wood in the fireplace.

14. My niece is thirteen years old, but she still ________ ________ Santa Claus.

15. The sign in the store window said they open at 10:00, but we had to ________ ________ until 10:20 before they opened the doors.

16. Would you like to ________ ________ to my house tonight and have dinner?

24. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs used as nouns, 2

As we saw in Section 5, two-word phrasal verbs are sometimes accented on the verb and sometimes on the particle. Two-word nouns, however, are always accent­ed on the verb even if it is the particle of the two-word verb that is accented:

verb: SHOW off noun: SHOW-off verb: slow DOWN noun: SLOWdown

present tense -ing form past tense past participle
come down            
come down & comes down coming down came down come down


1. come down (to) p.v. When someone moves toward you to a lower level position, or from north to south, that person comes down or comes down to where you are. Come up is the opposite of come down.

It's been raining for an hour! It's really coming down.

My friend from Canada comes down to visit us in New Mexico once in a while.

2. come down p.v. When you move to a lower level socially or financially and receive less respect from other people because of this change, you come down in life.

Hank certainly has come down in life — he lost his job, house, and family because of his gambling problem.

Mark used to be so successful, but now he has so many problems. He has really come down in life.

comedown n. A comedown is a move to a lower level socially or financially that causes you to receive less respect from other people.

A few years ago he was the manager of this restaurant, but now he's only a waiter — what a comedown.

3. come down (to) p.v. When you lower the price you are asking for something, you come down or come down to a lower price.

/ won't buy her car unless she comes down to $ 12,000.

The union won't come down a nickel in its salary demands.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
Let up                
    let up & lets up letting up let up let up


1. let up (on) p.v. When something becomes less strong, less intense, or less severe, it lets up.

The rain finally let up yesterday.

Mike's parents are very strict with him. He's only a boy. They should let up on him.

letup n. A letup is a reduction in how strong, severe, or intense something is.

There was no letup in terrorist bombings after the peace treaty was signed.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 475. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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