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EXERCISE 22c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and participle adjectives from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. You completely blocked the drain so that water couldn't go through it. What did you do to the drain?

2. In Question 1, how would you describe the drain?

3. I'm putting my coffee in the microwave to make it hotter. What am I doing to my coffee?

4. In Question 3, how would you describe my coffee after I take it out of the microwave?

5. Erik hasn't counted all the money. What hasn't Erik done?

6. You'll pay all your late mortgage payments. What will you do to your mortgage?

7. In Question 6, how will you be regarding your mortgage?

8. The police used fire to destroy all the drugs. What did the police do?

9. In Question 8, how would you describe the drugs now?

10. My disease went away immediately. What did my disease do?

11. Sarah is cleaning up all the orange juice that she spilled on the floor. What is Sarah doing?

12. Carlos always eats all his baby food, and he eats it quickly. What does Carlos do?

EXERCISE 22d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

carry on, 16 go with, 15 look around, 21 step on, 21
count on,16 hand in, 13 put away, 14 take out on, 21
dress up, 14 head back, 15 sign in, 12 think ahead, 21
dry up, 14 head for, 15 sign out, 12 zip up, 21


1. I'll be there when you need me. You can ________ ________ me.

2. Do you think these shoes ________ ________ my dress?

3. _______ ________ so that you have everything you need when you get there.

4. Linda is here in the office somewhere — she ________ ________ at 8:52.

5. Linda always leaves at 5:00, and it's almost 6:00 now, so I'm sure she has already _______.

6. That guy is crazy. He ought to be ________ ________.

7. When you finish with the job application, you can ______ it ______ to the secretary.

8. I don't think we should make any changes now. Let's ________ ________ our original plan.

9. The party will be casual, so you don't have to ________ ________.

10. Maria told me she would be in the library between 7:00 and 8:00, but I ________ _______ and couldn't find her.

11. There's some broken glass there — don't ________ ________ it.

12. I hope it rains soon. The lake is starting to ________ ________.

13. _______________your coat — it's fifteen degrees below zero outside.

14. Janice hates her job, and she _______ it _______ _______ her husband.

15. I'm ________________ San Diego, and I should get there by late afternoon.

16. I'll stay in San Diego for a week and then ________ ________ to Los Angeles.

23. FOCUS ON: two-word phrasal verbs that require an additional particle when used with an object, 2

As we saw in Section 9, many phrasal verbs that can be used both intransitively and transitively require a second particle when they are used transitively, which makes them three-word phrasal verbs.

Although these phrasal verbs have a three-word version, they remain classified as two-word verbs because the two-word and three-word phrasal verbs have the same meaning — they are variations of the same verb:

He filled in. He filled in for Mike.

There are, however, three-word phrasal verbs that share the same verb and first particle as another two-word phrasal verb but have an entirely different meaning. These are two different phrasal verbs and are classified separately:

He put up a poster.

He put up with her rudeness.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
crack down            
crack down & cracks down cracking down cracked down cracked down


1. crack down (on) p.v. When you crack down or crack down on someone or something, you enforce rules and laws more than you enforced them before or you make new, stronger rules and laws.

The chief of police said he was going to crack down on car theft.

The students have been coming to class later and later everyday. It's time to start cracking down.

crackdown n. When you enforce rules and laws more than you enforced them before, this is a crackdown.

The FBI is planning a major crackdown on organized crime.

After the crackdown, the crime rate plunged.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 496. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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