Pick on
pick on & picks on picking on picked on picked on 1. pick on p.v. When you pick on people, you continually tease and criticize them. Susie, you shouldn't pick on your little brother. The teacher never criticizes anyone else — she picks only on me.
1. settle... down p.v. When you settle down, you become less active, nervous, or upset. When you settle other people down, you do something to make them less active, nervous, or upset. Calm down is similar to settle down. Why are you so nervous about the test? Just settle down; you'll do just fine. Can't you settle the children down? All that noise is driving me crazy. 2. settle... down p.v. When a confused or violent situation becomes less confused or violent, it settles down. When you settle a confused or violent situation down,you make it less confused or violent and more calm. Calm down is similar to settle down. Rioting and arson continued for three days before the area settled down. The head of the union spoke to the angry strikers to try to settle them down. 3. settle down p.v. When people settle down, they start to live a less active life and perhaps get married, buy a house, and start a family. Mike led a pretty wild life when he was in his early twenties, but he got married when he was 29 and settled down. My son is forty-one. I wish he'd settle down and raise a family.