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EXERCISE 20b — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. You're going to spend the day on the sofa watching TV. What are you going to do all day?

2. Lydia walked to various places in her new house making decorating plans. What did Lydia do in her new house?

3. The letter was supposed to go to Austria, but it finally arrived in Australia. What happened to the letter?

4. The electricity stops working everyday at 2:00. What does the electricity do?

5. Joe called and asked what was happening. What did Joe ask?

6. Bob goes to every office at work telling awful jokes. What does Bob do at work?

7. Janice didn't go to bed all night. What did Janice do?

8. Dan stays in his house all day. He doesn't go anywhere or do anything. What does Dan do all day?

9. You were late to work because your alarm clock didn't ring this morning. What didn't your alarm clock do this morning?

10. Jerry went to many places wearing a Hawaiian shirt. What did Jerry do?


11. When it gets dark the street lights begin to operate automatically. What do the lights do?


12. I bought only twenty-five hot dogs for the party, but thirty people showed up, so some people didn't get a hot dog. Why didn't some people get a hot dog?

13. There are a lot of potholes in the street, and I have to avoid them while I'm driving. What do I have to do while I'm driving?

14. I couldn't decide between the red car and the blue car, but I finally decided on the red car. What did I finally do?

15. Mr. Watson is the brains of this company. If he left we couldn't continue. What couldn't we do without Mr. Watson?

16. Jane began the project thinking it would take only a few weeks. What did Jane do?

EXERCISE 20c — Write original sentences using these phrasal verbs from this section and previous sections followed by the -ing form. The first number after the verb is the section; the second number is the meaning. It is only that mean­ing that can be followed by the -ing form. Try to make some of the sentences similar to those in the FOCUS section.

break down, 5/3 go on, 20/3 start out, 20/1
come over, 17/1,2,3 hang around, 20/1 stay up, 20/2
end up, 20/1 lie around, 20/1 take off, 1/7
go around, 20/4,5,6 show up, 1/1 wind up, 14/2
go off, 20/3 stand around, 18/11    


1. ____________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________

9. ______________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________

11. ______________________________________________________

12. _______________________________________________________

13. _______________________________________________________

14. _______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 20d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

aim at, 19 call off, 13 go about, 17 rip up, 17
blow away, 15 cool off, 19 go back, 19 screw out of, 3
break out, 9 dry out, 15 hear of, 8 see a bout, 7
bring over, 19 give up, 9 pay for, 4 work up, 9


1. My teacher made a mistake when he corrected my test and ________ me________ ________ ten points.

2. You'd better wear a jacket — it has ________ ________ outside.

3. Her letter made me so mad that I ________ it ________.

4. You don't need to rake the leaves; the wind will ________ them ________.

5. We knew we didn't have any hope of winning the battle, so we _______ _______.

6. You can't run ten miles on the first day of your exercise program. You have to ________ ________ to it.

7. Michael didn't see the red light and hit a gasoline truck. He ________ ________ his mistake with his life.

8. Sam asked me if I knew someone named Francisco, and I said I had never ________ ________ him.

9. My family has been in Massachusetts since the seventeenth century. They ________ ________ on the Mayflower.

10. Our trip to Miami was_______ _________ because of the hurricane.

11. I'm going to ________ the dentist ________ getting my teeth whitened.

12. Do you know how to _______ _________ getting a passport?

13. This rug is wet; let's take it outside to ________ ________ in the sun.

14. The new restrictions on cigarette advertising are ________ ________ reducing the level of teenage smoking.

15. They ________ ________ of prison by tunneling under the prison wall.

16. We don't have enough plates for the party, so I called Maria and asked her to ________ some ________.

21. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and should and ought to

Should and ought to have two important meanings in English. One is familiar to most students, but the other is not.

A good idea: should and ought to

Should and ought to can be used to say that doing something is a good idea because it will benefit the person you are speaking about:

You should zip up your coat.

You ought to zip up your coat.

or because the person you are speaking about is expected, though not required, to do something:

You should bring in the groceries for your mother.

You ought to bring in the groceries for your mother.

Although should and ought are modal auxiliary verbs, ought must be used with to. In other words, ought does not equal should, ought to equals should. Never say should to.

Very probable: should and ought to

Both should and ought to are used to say that something is very probable, very likely, or 90 percent sure to happen — that if everything is normal, as expected, or as planned, a condition will very probably exist or something will very probably happen:

The rebel territory should settle down once winter comes.

The rebel territory ought to settle down once winter comes.

In the examples above, either should or ought to can be used — they have the same meaning — however, only should is used in questions:

Should Tom zip up his jacket?

Ought Tom to zip up his jacket?

and only should not or shouldn't is used in negative sentences:

Tom should not zip up his jacket.

Tom oughtnot to zip up his jacket.

Should not (or shouldn't) is used to say that something is not probable. It means that something is very improbable, very unlikely, or 90 percent sure not to happen — that if everything is normal, as expected, or as planned, a condition will very probably not exist or something will very probably not happen:

I set the thermostat at sixty-five degrees, and I'm sure it won't get below seventy tonight, so the heat shouldn't go on.

present tense -ing form past tense past participle
look around      
look around & looks around looking around looked around looked around


1. look around p.v. When you turn your head to see what is behind you or around you, you look around.

I heard a sound, and I looked around to see who it was. Sally looked around the room and didn't recognize anyone.

2. look around p.v. When you look around or look around a place, you go to various parts of the place in order to see what it is like or what is there.

You should look around before you decide whether you want to buy the house.

Linda looked around the bookstore but didn't find anything interesting.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 551. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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