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EXERCISE 26c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Frank read my report carefully. What did Frank do to my report?

2. In Question 1, what did Frank give my report?

3. Judy walked toward the king, stopped next to him, and gave him the petition. What did Judy do to the king?

4. Mike told me a secret. What did Mike do?

5. Bill and some friends are going to meet and spend some time together. What are Bill and his friends going to do?

6. In Question 5, what is this activity called?

7. My computer begins to operate from the hard disk. What does my computer do from the hard disk?

8. In Question 7, what would you call the hard disk?

9. The mayor's plan to fight crime in the streets was very successful with the voters. What impression did the mayor's plan have on the voters?

10. The heater stops operating automatically when the temperature reaches a certain point. What does the heater do automatically?

11. In Question 10, what is the temperature that makes the heater stop operating called?

12. You quit your job so that you could begin your own company. Why did you quit your job?

13. In Question 12, what would you call your new company?

14. You assembled all the parts of your model airplane. What did you do to your model airplane?

15. This airplane schedule gives flight times until December 31. What does the airplane schedule do?

16. The supermarket unlocks its doors and lets people in at 7:00 a.m. every day. What does the supermarket do at 7:00 a.m. every day?

EXERCISE 26d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from-* previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

do with, 25 have on, 25 look over, 21 settle for, 25
end up, 20 hurry up, 25 pick on, 21 show off, 24
go off, 20 knock over, 25 plan ahead, 25 take out on, 21
go on, 20 lighten up, 25 put on, 1 think up, 25


1. I'm asking $10,000 for my car, but I'll ________________ $8,500.

2. That new manager is really hard on the employees. He ought to ______ ______.

3. At the supermarket, Tom hit the stack of boxes with his shopping cart and ________ them ________. 201

4. We had planned to go to France on our vacation, but we ________ ________ going to Spain instead.

5. Will you ________ ________! If we don't leave soon we're going to be late.

6. Mark hates his job, and he comes home every night and ________ it _______ ________ his family.

7. My doctor got the test results from the lab, and she ________ them ________ very carefully.

8. ________ your coat ________. It's cold outside.

9. Don't wait until the last minute to make your vacation airline reservations. You have to _______ ________.

10. The detective didn't believe that the gun had ________ ________ accidentally.

11. I hated my older brother when I was a kid. He always ________ ________ me.

12. How are we going to get $500 in two days? We need to ______ _____ a good plan.

13. I didn't understand everything the computer shop guy said, but it had something to ________ ________ memory.

14. Jim tries to answer every question the teacher asks. He's always_____ ______.

15. That meeting was so boring. It seemed like it was going to _____ _____ forever.

16. The police officer must be off duty; he doesn't ________ his uniform ________.

27. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with the particle off and the adverb right

The particle off is used in many phrasal verbs to say that something is separated or removed:

The cup handle broke. (The handle is broken, but it is still attached to the cup.) The cup handle broke off. (The handle is no longer attached to the cup.)

Right, discussed in Section 19, is often used with these phrasal verbs to indicate that the action of the verb happened quickly:

He washed the dirt off. (The dirt was removed.) He washed the dirt right off. (The dirt was removed quickly.)

Remember that right can be used in this way only after an object that separates the verb and the particle:

He washed the dirt right off. Ho washed right off the dirt.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
bite off                
    bite off & bites off biting off bit off bitten off


1. bite... off p.v. When you bite off something, you use your teeth to remove a piece. When you bite off more than you can chew, you agree to do something that you do not have the time or the ability to do.

The lion bit off a huge piece of the zebra's flesh.

You can't finish that huge project by tomorrow. I think you've bitten off more than you can chew.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 539. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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