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The Company hereby employs the Representative to perform and promote the Company services (“The Services”) and other support for the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

The Representative shall do the following:

1) Reception and prioritization of phone calls, faxes, mail;

2) Providing reception, recording and storage of document information;

3) Order card passes into the room;

4) Order courier services;

5) Reception, negotiations, serving drinks and treats;

6) Order stationery, household goods.

The Parties agreed that the Representative shall perform his duties mainly from Moscow, Russia.

The Representative fully confirms and accept this terms.

The Company can determine the exact location or the Representative for best operation of this Agreement.

The Representative has to understand the objectives and tasks assigned to him by the company and act as much as possible in the interests of the company.





The term of this Agreement shall be 12 months, commencing on April / 07, 2014 (the "Commencement Date") and expiring on April / 06, 2015 (the "Expiry Date"). The Agreement may be prolonged for a new term by written agreement of the Parties, otherwise it is deemed terminated on the Expiry Date.




1) The Company shall pay to Representative on a monthly basis, an agreed net fee of 30 000 (thirty thousand) Russian rubles.

2) The bonus may be paid to the Representative on behalf of the authorized supervising person.

The payments set out in this clause 3 may be made to the bank account of the Representative indicated in clause 15, or paid in cash after the Company extracts all applicable taxes of the Company residence country (to the extent permitted by the applicable law of the Company) or otherwise as agreed by the Parties. 4. Duties and Rights of the Representative Beginning on the Commencement Date and until the Expiry Date, the Representative shall provide the Services, set out in clause 1 of the Agreement, for the benefit of the Company. The Representative shall devote his best efforts and entire time to advance the interests of the Company and shall comply with all the rules and regulations promulgated by the Company which are not contrary to any acceptable law.

Representative must follow all instructions of the Company, given to him on method of the Services provision.

5. Nature of Relationship Representative shall perform the Services as an independent contractor, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to create or imply a joint venture, partnership, principal-agent, or employment relationship between the Parties. 6. Taxes Representative hereby covenants to pay at his expense all taxes, charges and contributions which competent government authorities levy or require to be paid in respect to the payments received from the Company.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 390. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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