These constructions are called absolute because they are not dependent on any other part of the including sentence, though they cannot be used without it, as they lack a finite verb form and thus have no predicate. 1) From the point of view of their transformational possibility, absolute constructions fall into two types: verbal and non-verbal. А. Constructions with verbals as their second part. When transformed into clauses they retain their predicate part, which takes a proper tense-aspect form. She sat on the porch, Mary playing with her doll. ― She sat on the porch, and (while) Mary was playing with her doll. В. Constructions with non-verbals with an adjective, a stative, an adverb or a noun (with a preposition) as their second part. When transformed into clauses, a proper form of the link verb to be must be introduced, as these constructions lack a verbal component of their own. He marched out of the room, his head high up. ― He marched out of the room, and his head was high up. 2) Absolute constructions may have two forms: non-prepositional and prepositional. The latter is introduced by the preposition with (in the case of the infinitive construction it may be without): He was coming to us, his hands up. Dinner over, everybody rose.