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The Compound Sentence


The compound sentence consists of two or more clauses of equal rank which form one syntactical whole in meaning and intonation. Clauses that are parts of a compound sentence are called coordinate, as they are joined by coordination.

Coordinate clauses may be linked together with or without a connector, in the first case they are joined syndetically, in the second case ― asyndetically.

From the point of view of the relationship between coordinate clauses, we distinguish four kinds of coordinate connection: copulative, adversative, disjunctive and causative-consecutive. The type of connection is expressed not only by means of coordinating connectives, but also by the general meaning of clauses conveyed by their lexical and grammatical content.

1. Copulative coordination implies that two events or ideas conveyed by coordinate clauses are merely joined in time and place.

The copulative connectors are: the conjunctions and, nor, neither... nor, not only... but also, as well as, both, and the conjunctive adverbs then, moreover, likewise, besides, again, further, thus and conjunctive particles also, too, even.

And is the conjunction most frequently used to realize copulative coordination. It may suggest mere additionЖ

Then she (Ellen) went home and wrote Brody a thank-you note for being so nice, and she also wrote a note to the chief of police commending young Martin Brody.

The events described in copulative coordinate clauses may be simultaneous or successive:

The Black Cadillac made its hunting sound through the night and the tyres sang on the slab and the black fields stretched with mist swept by (simultaneity).

The front door to the house opened, and a man and a woman stepped out on the wooden porch (succession).

Occasionally the second clause may contain some commentary on the previous clause:

She was familiar with the petty social problems, and they bored her.

Owing to its vague copulative meaning the conjunction and may also link clauses with adversative or causative-consecutive connections.

Copulative connection may also be expressed asyndetically, the clauses joined in this way may describe simultaneous or successive events:

Our Elsie was looking at her with beg imploring eyes; she was frowning; she wanted to go (simultaneity).

The bus stopped, the automatic door sprang open, a lady got in, then another lady (succession).

2. Adversative coordination joins clauses containing opposition, contradiction or contrast. Adversative connectors are: the conjunctions but, while, whereas, the conjunctive adverbs yet, still, nevertheless, nonetheless, and the conjunctive particle only. Adversative coordination may also be realized asyndetically. The main adversative conjunction is but, which expresses adversative connection in a very general way. The clause introduced by but conveys some event that is opposite to what is expected from the contents of the first clause:

The story was amusing, but nobody laughed.

The conjunctions while and whereas specialize in expressing contrastive relations:

Peter is an engineer, while his brother is a musician.

Some people prefer going to the theatre, whereas others will stay at home watching TV programmes.

3. Disjunctive connection denotes choice, usually between two mutually exclusive alternatives. The disjunctive conjunctions are or, either... or, the conjunctive adverbs else (or else), otherwise:

You can join us at the station, or we can wait for you at home.

The correlative either emphasizes the exclusion of one of the alternatives.

Either listen to me, or I shall stop reading to you.

4. Causative-consecutive coordination joins clauses connected in such a way that one of them contains a reason and the other ― a consequence. The second clause may contain either the reason or the result of the event conveyed by the previous clause. The only causative coordinating conjunction is for.

The days became longer, for it was now springtime.

A causative clause may be also joined asyndetically.

At first I thought that they were brother and sister, they were so much alike.

A for -clause differs from a subordinate clause of reason in that it never precedes the clause it is joined to. If a sentence begins with for, it means that the sentence is linked with the previous one:

When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point the current was strong.

Consecutive connectives are so, so that, therefore, hence, then.

The weather was fine, so there were many people on the beach.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1166. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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