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The Attribute is a secondary part of the sentence which refers to a noun or another word of nominal nature (pronouns, substitute words), thus forming a nominal phrase with its headword.

Like any part of the sentence, from the point of view of its structure the attribute can be expressed by:

a) a single word-form (synthetic and analytical):

The sand glittered like white sugar in the sun.

She is a more beautiful girl.

b) a phrase:

It was a letter from his devoted friend.

c) a predicative complex. There are two predicative complexes that can function as an attribute ― the For-to-Infinitive Construction and the Gerundial Predicative Complex:

This is a lesson for you to remember for the rest of your life.

He is just the man for you to consult.

I am the cause for your going away.

There were no signs of his supporting us.

d) a clause:

He is the man I am particularly fond of.

I know a place around the corner where we can have a cup of strong coffee.

From the point of view to their connection with the headword and other parts of the sentence, attributes may be divided into:

a) non-detached (close) attributes. Non-detached attributes form one sense group with their headword and are not separated form it by commas:

The ladies present were shocked.

I haven’t got time to spare.

Her walking shoes were elegant.

Non-detached premodifying attributes may be unextended, consisting of one word only, or form chains of homogeneous attributes with identical reference. Attributes with identical reference are usually interchangeable and are set off by commas or joined by a conjunction:

There were yellow, white, and crimson flowers in the garden.

If attributes form a string with different reference (in which case their order is fixed) no commas are required:

We saw a large black and white hunting dog there.

b) detached (loose) attributes:

And for a moment I hesitated, unable to start talking.

Detached attributes are separated by commas. They are loosely connected with the headword and are often optional from the point of view of structure, although very important semantically.

From the point of view of the position of attributes in the nominal phrase, they may be:

a) premodifying (i.e. preceding the noun they modify):

She is a pretty girl.

b) postmodifying (i.e. following the item they modify):

The people involved were reported to the police.

He would not run the risk of being too late.

The position of an attribute depends on the following factors:

1. The morphological nature of the attribute. Adjectives, Participle I, nouns, ordinal numerals and quotation nouns generally premodify the headword (a little man, riding clothes, apple trees, a child’s language, the third attempt, “a-place-for-everything-and-everything-in-its-place” kitchen).

Adverbs, statives, cardinal numerals and infinitives are generally postmodifying attributes (the woman upstairs, the child asleep, page five, money to spend).

2. Attributes are used in postposition in some fixed phrases, in several institutionalized expressions (mostly in official designations): the president elect, attorney general, proof positive, court martial, Poet Laureate, time immemorial

3. A few adjectives have special meanings when they occur after the noun. Compare:

the present members (= those who are members now)

the members present (=those who are present here, not absent)

I think the picture would look better on the opposite wall.

I noticed that the man opposite was staring at me.

Janet is a responsible girl.

The girl responsible has been expelled.

4. The extension of the attribute. Non-detached attributes are postmodifying when expressed by extended phrases or complexes. Compare:

It is a sensible suggestion.

It is a suggestion sensible in many ways.

He found himself in a difficult situation.

He found himself in a situation difficult from his point of view.

We are looking for skilled people.

We are looking for people skilled at design.

5. Sometimes the headword is embedded between parts of the attribute. This happens with different, similar, the same, next, last, first, second, etc.; comparatives and superlatives; and a few other adjectives like difficult and easy.

a different life from this one

the best mother in the world

the next house to the hotel

the best man available

the simplest way out possible


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 3718. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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