Me, we, please, they, my, your
239. Прочитай та запам`ятай слова:
240. Прочитай та переклади: I, you, he, she, we, they, me, him, his, your, my, please. Give me a pen, please. Give him a pencil, please. We have a flat. We show him a flat. Give him a plum, please. Show me my desk, please. Give me your doll, please. Your dress is bad. My family is big. Your sister is happy, but your dog is sad. Show him the car, please. 241. Переклади письмово: 1. Мій портфель і твій пенал, ваша машина, його вантажівка, твоє порося і моє курча. 2. Дай мені олівець, будь-ласка. 3. Покажи йому твою ляльку. 4. Я допомагаю тобі. 5. Ми стоїмо спокійно. 6. Ти думаєш добре. 7. Ми допомагаємо йому. 8. Це – моя квартира. 9. Це твій пес. Who, Whom What can you see? Whom can you see? 242. Прочитай та запам`ятай слова:
243. Прочитай та переклади: 1. What can you see there? – I can see a tree there. 2. What can you see in the street? – I can see a tram in the street. 3. Whom can you see in the car? – I can see a man there. 4. Whom can you see on the bench? – I can see three children there. 5. Who is this? – This is a boy. 6. Who is that? – That is Ann. 7.What is this? – This is your bag. 8. What is that? – That is his top. 9.Whom can you see in the park? – I can see a man there. 244. Постав питання до підкреслених слів: 1. I can see a bed there. 2. He can see a tree in the yard. 3. I can see a boy in the car. 4. She can see a cat on the tree. You can see a man in the shop. 5. This is a jug. 6. Nick is six. 7. They can jump. 8. I can see a lamp on the desk. 9. I can see a boy in the yard.
245. Скажи англійською: 1. Що ти бачиш там? – Я бачу кошеня там. 2. Що ти бачиш у квартирі? – Я бачу ліжко, килим і лампу там. 3. Кого ти бачиш? – Я бачу твою сестру. 4. Кого ти бачиш на подвір’ї? – Я бачу Тома там.
er [ ə ] 246. Прочитай та запам`ятай слова:
247. Прочитай та переклади: 1. Mark has a sister. She is ten. 2. This is a brown duster. 3. This is a letter. It is bis. 4. I have dinner at 2. 5. He has supper at 3. 6. It is summer. It is very hot. 7. It is winter. It is cold. 8. It is butter. The butter is fresh. 9. The dog is under the bed. 10. The letter is under the bag. 248. Прочитай речення, вставивши необхідне слово із дужок. 1. It is (cold, hot, chilly) in summer. 2. It is (hot, cold) in winter. 3. The letter is on the (bed, desk). 4. The butter (top, ball) is fresh. 5. We have dinner in the (yard, kitchen, shop). Or 249. Прочитай: Or, for, fork, sort, sport, short, horn, form, doctor, your, corner. 250. Прочитай та запам`ятай слова:
251. Прочитай та переклади: 1. This is not a door. This is a floor. It is brown. 2. This is not a stick. This is a fork. It is short. 3. This is a corner. A desk is in the corner. The desk is brown. 4. It is a doctor. He is not short. He is tall. 5. Is she tall or short? 6. Is the ball big or small? 7. Is it your pencil-box? – Yes, it is! 8. Is it your fork? – No, it is not! It is his fork. 9. Is it a door or a floor? 252. Переклади письмово: 1. Його ліжко – в кутку. 2. (Є) твоє кошеня під ліжком чи біля дверей? 3. Це олівець чи виделка? 4. Твоя сестра – лікар. 5. (Є) ця ручка чорна чи червона? 6. Це – короткий олівець. er, ir [ ə: ]
253. Прочитай слова: girl, bird, shirt, skirt, dirt, dirty, her, flirt, stir 254. Прочитай та запам`ятай слова:
255. Прочитай та переклади: 1. This is a girl. She is six. She has a dress. Her dress is red. 2. Is this a skirt? – No, it is not. It’s a shirt. The shirt is dirty. 3. This is a bird. The bird is brown. It is small. 4. This is a short skirt, and that is a red shirt. 5. Ann has a bird in her hand and Tom has a dirty bag in his hand. 256. Утвори якомога більше словосполучень: bad duster red skirt dirty girl brown shirt 257. Прочитай та переклади текст. Дай письмові відповіді на запитання. Kitty is a little girl. She is in the park. She is six. She has a red skirt and a shirt on. She has a small black bag in her hand. Kitty is happy. 1) Is Kitty a big girl? 2) How old is she? 3) What has she on? 4) Has she a dress on? 5) What has the girl in her hand? 6) What bag is it? 7) Where is the girl? 8) Is she sad? Colour 258. Прочитай та запам`ятай:
259. Прочитай та переклади: 1. What colour is the bird? – It is black. 2. What colour is her skirt? – It’s red. 3. What colour is his shirt? – It’s brown. 4. What colour is your bag? – It’s black. 5. What colour is this pen? – It is red. 260. Постав письмово запитання до речень і дай короткі відповіді. Зразок: This lamp is red. What colour is this lamp?- It’s red. 1. This cat is black. 2. This dress is red. 3. This desk is brown. 261. Прочитай та запам`ятай:
262. Переклади: 1. Моє вікно – велике. 2. Мені подобається ця квартира. 3. Я – радий. 4. Вона – задоволена. 5. Він – задоволений. 6. Ми любимо варення. 7. Я люблю тебе.(Ти мені подобаєшся). 263. Пригадай займенники. Напиши до кожного переклад. ХТО? ЧИЙ? ЧИЯ? ЧИЄ? ЧИЇ? I - … We - … my - … You - … They - … your - … He - … his - … She - … her - … It – воно our [auə]– наш (а,е,і) their [ðεә] – їх КОМУ? КОГО?? me - … her – їй, її you – тобі, тебе, вам, вас us [ Ls ] – нам, нас them [ ðem ] – їм, їх
am, is, are (є) 264. Прочитай та запам`ятай: