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1. Learn the new words:

  native [`neitiv ] рідний
  bank [`bæŋk ] беріг
  poetess [`pouitis ] поетеса
  a centre [`senʧә ] центр
  was born [`woz`bo:n ] народилась
  a technical school [`teknikәl`sku:l ] технікум
  a fountain [`fauntin ] фонтан
  merry-go-round [`meri`gou`raund ] каруселі
  region [`riʤn ] область


2. Read and translate the text:

My native town is Novograd-Volyns’kyi. It’s a small town of Zhytomyr Region, in the north-west of Ukraine. It is situated on the banks of the river Sluch. The population is about 56 thousand people.The old name of my town was Zviahel. The famous Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka was born here. There is a museum of L. Ukrainka in N-V. In the centre of Novograd-Volyns’kyi there is a monument to L.Ukrainka, a Palace of Culture, and a big green park with a fountain and merry-go-rounds. There are some factories, hotels, supermarkets, banks, shops and cafes. We have 11 schools, some techical schools, a college, 2 music schools and a sports school. In the streets you can see many cars, buses, lorries. There are no trams and trolley-buses. My town is very clean and nice; there are many trees and flowers in the streets. I like my native town very much.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is the name of your native town?

2. What was its old name?

3. How many people live in Novograd-Volyns’kyi?

4. Where is it situated?

5. What famous poetess was born in Novograd-Volyns’kyi?

6. What can you see in the centre of the town?

7. How many schools are in N.-V.?

8. Is there a music school?

9. can you see trolley-buses in the streets?

10. Why is your town nice?

11. Do you like your native town?

4. Learn and tell about your native town.


1. Learn the new words:

  fun centre [`fLn`senʧә ] розважальний центр
  main [`mein ] головний
  a building [`bildiŋ ] споруда, будівля
  to visit [`vizit ] відвідувати
  St. Sophia’s Cathedral [`seint sә`faiәz kә`qi:drәl ] Софієвський собор
  the Golden Gate [`goldәn`geit ] Золоті Ворота
  theatre [`qiәtә ] театр
  cinema [`sinimә ] кінотеатр
  underground [`Lndә`graund ] метро
  modern [`mo:dәn ] сучасний
  a tourist [`tuәrist ] турист

2. Read and translate the text:

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper. Kyiv is a very old city. Its population is about 3 million people.

Kyiv is very beautiful. There are many green parks and gardens with fountains, the Zoo, and fun centres.

Khreschatyk is the main street of Kyiv. You can see many big buildings, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops there.

The tourists like to visit Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the St. Sophia’s cathedral, the Golden Gate. There are many theatres, cinemas, museums and monuments in Kyiv.

Kyiv is a city of students. There are many universities, institutes, colleges, academies and schools in Kyiv.

There are two airports, a river port, and a very beautiful modern underground.

We all love our capital!


3. Answer the questions:

1. What’s the capital of Ukraine?

2. Where is it situated?

3. How many people live in Kyiv?

4. Why is Kyiv beautiful?

5. What is the main street?

6. What can you see in Khreschatyk?

7. What do the tourists like to visit?

8. Why is Kyiv a city of students?

9. Are there any airports in Kyiv?

10. Is there an uderground?

11. Do you like the capital of Ukraine?


4. Learn and tell about Kyiv.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 870. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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