4. Write in the missing days of the week and the lessons you’ve got on these days:
UNIT 13 1. Learn the poem: 30 days has September, April, June and November; All the rest have 31, Except February alone, That has 28 days clear, And 29 in each leap year! 2. Learn the names of the months: 1. March [ma: tò] - березень 7. September [sep`tembә] - вересень 2. April [`eipril] - квітень 8. October [ ok`toubә] - жовтень 3. May [`mæi] - травень 9. November [no`vembә] - листопад 4. June [`dʒu:n] - червень 10. December [di`sembә] - грудень 5. July [dʒu`lai] - липень 11. January [`dʒænjuәri] - січень 6. August [`o:gәst] - серпень 12. February [`februәri] - лютий 3. Complete the calendar. Fill in the missing names of the months.