| terrible
| [`teribl ]
| жахливий; жахливо
| great
| [`greit ]
| чудовий; чудово
| pop music
| [`pop`mju:zik ]
| популярна (сучасна) музика
| a record
| [`reko:d ]
| звукозапис
| swimming
| [`swimiŋ ]
| плавання
| a spider
| [`spaidә ]
| павук
| money
| [`mLni ]
| гроші
| an airport
| [`εәpo:t ]
| аеропорт
| back
| [bæk ]
| назад
| to try
| [trai]
| намагатися; спробувати;
| together
| [tu`geðә ]
| разом
| a plane
| [`plein]
| літак
| bright
| [`brait]
| яскравий
| сlothes
| [`klouðiz ]
| одяг
| fruit
| [fru:t]
| фрукти
| potato
| [po`teitou ]
| картопля
| American
| [ә`merikәn ]
| американський
| salad
| [`sælәd ]
| салат
| steak
| [`steik ]
| шматок м’яса, біфштекс
| jaguar
| [`ʤægua: ]
| ягуар
| a trick
| [trik]
| трюк, фокус
| carrot
| [`kærot ]
| морква
| country
| [`kLntri ]
| країна
| the USA
| [`ju:`es`ei ]
| England
| [`iŋglәnd ]
| Англія
| America
| [ә`merikә ]
| Америка
| East Africa
| [`i:st`æfrikә ]
| Східна Африка
| Kenya
| [`kenjә ]
| Кенія
| fish
| [fiò ]
| риба
| grapes
| [`greips ]
| виноград
| insect
| [`insәkt ]
| комаха
| a pear
| [`pεә ]
| груша
| a tomato
| [ tә`ma:tou ]
| помідор
| to come back
| [`kLm`bæk ]
| повертатися
| a question
| [`kwesʧәn ]
| запитання
| toco toucan
| [`toukou`tu:kәn ]
| тукáн
| wolf spider
| [`wulf `spaidә ]
| вовчий паук
| an animal
| [`ænimәl ]
| тварина
| green mamba
| [`gri:n`ma:mba: ]
| зелена мамба (африканська отруйна змія)
| a frog
| [frog]
| жаба
| yoghurt
| [`jou:g3:t
6. Interview your classmates to complete the table:
- Do you like …?
- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
There are … people in the class.
| salad
| potatoes
| carrots
| tomatoes
| fish
How many people
like this food?
How many people don’t like this food?
7. Complete the paragraphs, filling the gaps in:
1. The jaguar __________ in Mexico, and the __________. Its colours are ______
and ___________ or ___________.It _______ small animals and ___________.
2. The ____________ lives in Greece, Italy, Spain and __________. Its colours are brown and _________. It likes small ________ and ___________.
3. The Green __________ lives in Kenya. It is grey and __________. It likes ________ animals and frogs.
4. Toco Toucan lives in ______________. It is black, red, __________ and __________. It eats apples, bananas, pears, carrots, __________, potatoes,
and ______________.
8. Learn the text: