Lesson 1
PRODUCT, MARKET and MARKETING UNIT 1. PRODUCT & MARKET Lesson 1 Task 1. Find the most appropriate equivalents of the word “ продукт” among the words (word combinations) in the box.
1. Вивіска “Продукти” (1) на магазині засвідчила, що тут можна купити продукти (2) харчування. 2. Поки поняття валового національного продукту (3) (ВНП) ще не було розроблене, важко було визначити, у якому стані перебуває економіка. Хоча відкриття ВНП незапатентоване і не виставляється в Музеї науки і техніки – це справді одне з великих відкриттів XX ст. 3. “Натуральний продукт (4) – ваше здоров’я і довголіття!” 4. Це абсолютно новий програмний продукт (5). 5. Побічні продукти (6) коксохімічного виробництва вже давно стали складною екологічною проблемою. 6. Він – продукт (7) свого часу. 7. Ціна на молочні продукти (8) останнім часом суттєво зросла. 8. Нова Зеландія – відомий експортер продуктів (9) сільського господарства. 9. Квартальне падіння валового внутрішнього продукту (10) (ВВП) сповільнилося на 2%. 10. Економічний продукт (11) – результат людської праці, господарської діяльності, представлений в матеріально-речовій формі (матеріальний продукт (12)), в духовній, інформаційній формі (інтелектуальний продукт (13)) або у вигляді виконаних робіт і послуг. Task 2. Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics. 1. A grocery store (groceries) is a store established primarily for the retailing of food. 2. The cut in workforce has been a by-product of the company’s investment in new technology. 3. An increase in crime is the by-product of poverty and unemployment. 4. The company is going to launch a new product onto the market. 5. There is no sales tax on basic foodstuffs. 6. Agribusiness comprises various businesses that produce, sell, and distribute farm products, especially on a large scale. 7. The noun product is defined as a “thing produced by labor or effort” or the “result of an act or a process”, and stems from the verb “to produce”. 8. A tangible product is any physical product like a computer, automobile, etc. 9. To develop, sell and support a successful software product a business needs to understand its market, identify the opportunity, develop and market an appropriate piece of software. 10. Tourism contributes about 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 11. Today farming provides only about 2-4% of Gross National Product (GNP). 12. Intellectual products are the result of economic development.
Task 3. Study the following English equivalents of “ПРОДУКТ” / “ПРОДУКЦІЯ”.
Task 4. Make the difference between the following verb and noun forms.
Task 5. a) Consider the meaning of the following terms.
b) Which of the above terms can be used to denote: · agricultural products, yield; · a result of a process or system; · things that are sold, usually in the street or in a market; · food or other things that are grown in large quantities to be sold; · the amount of something produced by a person, machine, or industry; · manufactured articles, goods or products which have been made in a factory; · things bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected; · raw materials or primary agricultural products that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee; · something that grows out of something else; a product of growing out; a byproduct or consequence of an action or event? c) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics. 1. New growth will develop during spring. 2. Produce is food or other things that are grown in large quantities to be sold. 3. We manage to get most of our produce in Britain. 4. Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks. 5. Money can be exchanged for goods or services. 6. The shop sells a wide range of consumer goods. 7. The cost of household goods and services fell. 8. The stall-holders began to sell their wares at half price. 9. Many vendors said they collected their wares from the same warehouse. 10. Crime is often an outgrowth of poverty. 11. Racism was not just an outgrowth of Nazism but its basis. 12. The Internet itself is an outgrowth of a computer network in the US Defense Department. 13. The output from the mine ceased in May. 14. Management efficiency can lead to higher outputs. 15. Manual workers need a good breakfast for high-energy output. 16. Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years. 17. At this price the wine is a bargain. 18. Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week. 19. The secondhand table was a real bargain. 20. These items are true bargains and are no longer available when stock runs out! Task 6. “ Odd man out.” In each line cross out a word that in its meaning differs from the others. Let the notes in Task 4 a) be your clues. 1. bargain – output – make; 2. goods – commodity – wares; 3. production – output – bargains; 4. goods – products – merchandise; 5. produce – manufacture – growth. Task 7. a) The word “PRODUCT” has a wide range of meanings:
![]() b) Which meaning of the word is revealed in the following sentences?
1. Consumers are becoming more suspicious of advertising claims about products that they buy. 2. The eastern frontier of France was the product of centuries of historical accidents. 3. The country’s imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year. 4. These teenagers are typical products of the private education system. 5. The bank is the product of a 2008 merger of two Japanese banks. 6. The system we have now is the product of years of research. 7. This story is, of course, only the product of her imagination. 8. The bank is now offering two new financial products. 9. Try to get the best product at the lowest price. 10. He is a product of his time.
c) Make up similar sentences of your own.
Task 8. a) Build the words using the stem and flexions in the chart below.
b) Which of the derived words means: · to make or grow something, especially in large quantities and in order to be sold; · the process of making or growing things in large quantities, especially in a factory or on a farm, so that they can be sold; · something made, grown, or obtained in large quantities so that it can be sold; · a person or company that grows food or makes goods to be sold; a country or region that produces a lot of something; · making or growing things in large quantities, especially so that they can be sold; achieving good results; · the rate at which goods are produced, especially in relation to the time, money, and workers needed to produce them; · capable of being produced, brought forward, brought forth, generated, made, or extended?
Task 9. a) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.
1. Their efforts produced no results. 2. The company have just produced a luxury version of the aircraft. 3. The work was in some degree the produce of their joint efforts. 4. I’m quite pleased that we do have the capacity to produce that much food. 5. The company is a producer of industrial and electronic materials. 6. It is the world’s largest car producer. 7. They have been losing business to lower-cost producers. 8. Is the technology producible? 9. Oil was discovered in producible quantities in Venezuela. 10. Recycling of waste products, including used papers, used glass, used metals, used textile, used plastic etc. has become big business.
11. Dairy products are generally defined as foodstuffs produced from milk. They are usually high-energy-yielding food products. 12. Since the late 1990s, many software products have been offered as a service, so that the customers – businesses or end consumers – run the same application without installing the software on their computers. 13. We are all products of our time. 14. He saw poverty as the by- product of colonial prosperity. 15. Production of the new aircraft will start next month. 16. The new computer will be in production by the end of the year. 17. That model went out of production in 2008. 18. Training makes workers highly productive. 19. More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food. 20. He was hopeful that the next round of talks would also be productive. 21. He has had a long and productive career. 22. Workers have boosted productivity by 30 per cent. 23. Wage rates depend on levels of productivity. 24. Employees were offered a monthly productivity bonus.
b) Think and answer.
1. What items can be made of recycled waste products? (toys; stationery; plastic containers; packages etc.) 2. Why do European companies find it more and more difficult to compete with Chineese producers? (e.g. low-cost producers; more productive etc.) 3. What country is the world’s largest car producer? 4. Are there producible quantities of oil in Ukraine? 5. What consumer software products do you use? Which of them are offered as a service? (e.g. Microsoft Office by Microsoft; TurboTax by Intuit; Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software by Salesforce.com; consumer shopping comparison software by Shopping.com; various web search tools offered by Google, Yahoo!; the auction marketplace by eBay) 6. We are all products of our time, aren’t we? What makes a person a product of his / her time? Is it unavoidable? 7. Is one person’s poverty always the by-product of another person’s prosperity? Why? 8. What makes workers highly productive? What about students? 9. What makes you most productive? 10. What do wage rates depend on? Does improved productivity always lead to increased wages? Why?
Task 10. a) The words below frequently occur after “PRODUCT”.
b) Which of the above word-combinations means: · термін служби виробу, довговічність виробу, життєвий цикл виробу; термін експлуатації, експлуатаційний період (період часу, протягом якого товар повинен бути придатним до використання); тривалість випуску виробу (на підприємстві); · відділ (група) розробки товару (відділ компанії, який займається розробкою та вдосконаленням (модифікацією) товарів); група розробників виробу; · назва (найменування) товару (певне ім’я, під яким товар відомий споживачам); · імідж товару, образ товару (уявлення про товар, яке складається у споживачів у процесі використання товару та під впливом громадської думки, у формуванні якої беруть участь різні інструменти комунікації – реклама, пропаганда, чутки); престиж продукції; · сімейство товарів, продуктів; лінія товарів; сукупність аналогічних за призначенням, але відмінних за реалізацією продуктів; серія товарів (група товарів, вироблених однією фірмою та об’єднаною за якоюсь ознакою, наприклад, за функціями, оформленням і т.д.); · виробнича фірма; компанія-виробник (така, що випускає який-небудь товар); · індивідуальність товару; обличчя товару (створюється з таких компонентів, як дизайн товару, торговельна марка, реклама товару, ціна та інші складові, які відрізняють товар від інших аналогічних товарів; обличчя товару формує його імідж); · можливості товару (продукту) (властивості товари задовольняти потреби споживачів; залежать від набору функцій товару, тобто тих завдань, які він може виконати); продуктовий потенціал (компанії) (здатність компанії випускати ті чи інші товари)? c) Think and answer.
1. Can a product name affect shoppers’ decisions to buy it? Why? 2. Does a product name always reflect the product capabilities? 3. Who creates product names? Is it a product team that is in charge of creating product names? 4. What are the main tasks of product teams? 5. What qualities should a person working in a company’s product team possess? 6. What is a product image? How is it developed? 7. What makes a product unique? How is the product personality created? 8. What’s the differenece between product image and product personality? Which of the two terms is the broader? Product personality forms product image, doesn’t it? 9. Where is the information about a product life stated? Do you always pay attention to a product life while shopping? 10. Goods of which product companies do you prefer?
Task 11. a) Study the following words.
b) Explain the difference between “brand”, “label” and “make”. Make up sentences with each of the words. Task 12. Read and translate the following passages.
Vocabulary Notes: 1. shelf life – строк збереження товарної якості продукції; строк придатності при зберіганні; ресурс при збереженні;
Vocabulary Notes: 1. frozen food [`frəuzən] / [`frouzən] – заморожений харчовий продукт; 2. dried food – сухі (в’ялені) продукти харчування; 3. packed in cans food – консерви; консерви в банках; 4. best-before date – термін придатності; 5. best-if-used-by date – рекомендовано до вживання до...; 6. fresh food – свіжі, натуральні, не консервовані продукти харчування; 7. sell-by date – кінцевий термін реалізації (продукту); 8. pull date [pul] – термін реалізації (на упаковках харчових продуктів); термін придатності, дата зняття з (штамп на продуктах, які швидко псуються – наприклад, молоко, – що вказує дату, після якої продаж товару не дозволяється); 9. staff [stα:f] / [stæf] – штат службовців; особовий склад; кадри; 10. display (of the product) [dı`spleı] – вітрина; показ; викладка, експозиція (товарів у магазині); 11. sell-by-date – термін реалізації (на упаковках харчових продуктів);кінцевий термін реалізації (продукту);дата закінчення терміну придатності (кінцевий термін вживання продукту); 12. best-before date – термін придатності;
Vocabulary Notes: 1. use-by date – термін придатності; 2. expiry date [ık`spa ı;əri] / [ık`spaıəri] – дата закінчення терміну дії; дата закінчення (припинення чинності); 3. expiration date [ֽekspə`reı∫ən] – дата закінчення (терміну дії тощо); 4. illegal [ı`li:gəl] – незаконний; нелегальний; 5. pass (the date) [pα:s] / [pæs] – минати (про дати). Task 13. Match items in column A with their synonyms in column B.
Task 14. Practice reading the following words.
Task 15. Read the text.