Topic 7 How do movies or TV affect people?
Every human being tends to take some time off (отвлекать, сваливать) from his or her chores (tʃɔ:, обязанностей, тяжёлая работа) for relaxation. There is no doubt that movies and television play a major role in get tiredness and boredom (усталость и скука) away (отделываться, удирать) from us. Though primarily intended for entertainment (Хотя в первую очередь предназначено для развлечений), these media do influence the behaviors of human beings. I would like to discuss the effect of the media on the demographic divisions of children, teenagers and the adults.
No doubt that children are the most fascinated (неравнодушны, очарованы) and fond of watching (любят смотреть) movies and television. Though parents are temporarily relieved from baby-sitting their children who are indulgent (потворствующий, потакающий) in watching television, they are certainly worried about the influence of this media. Today's movies are filled with violence. Heroism is being portrayed as the capacity изображается как способность to destruct (the enemies). This easily influences children. The fondness of children to watch (Любовь к детей) WWF wrestling on television bears testimony (свидетельствует об этом) to it. This proclivity (склонность) towards violence (к насилию) tends to (как правило) show up (проявляется) at schools, where they start to bully (запугивать; преследовать) their classmates. video jockey - People who work in television and radio:anchor, anchorman телеведущий, announcer, broadcaster, commentator, correspondent While teenagers tend to show some maturity over the issue of violence, there are separate gamut of factors (ɡæmət гамма факторов) in the media that influence them. Teenage is the important period during which one choices his career and subsequently (sʌbsɪkwəntlɪ впоследствии, позже) his direction of life. This media greatly influence the choice of ones career. Today's rock concerts and music televisions create an impression that becoming a rock star or a video jockey is the best profession in the world. Numerous teenagers are drawn into this whirlpool (вовлекаются в этот водоворот) and it becomes too late when they come to realize the reality in life.
Adults watch this media mainly for entertainment and to relax themselves. However they too are relieved from being bitten by the media bug. The constantly running television advertisements have a negative bearing (влияние) on the adults. The ostentatiously (для вида, показным образом) displayed by a Porsche car driving by the hero in our favorite films inadvertently (ненамеренно, ненароком) propels (продвигает, ~потокает) our instinct to go for a similar car. Seldom do we think about the aftereffects (последствиях) and get entangled (запутываемся) in the spider web. We tend to sink our ship by the exorbitant interest rate (непомерные процентные ставки), mortgage (ипотека) and the overflowing (переполнение) credit card bills. Once overloaded with these, we tend to become peevish (раздражительными, злой) losing our natural gregarious (ɡrɪˈɡɛərɪəs - ɡrɪˈɡɛərɪəs - дружелюбный) behavior.
Hence I feel that (Поэтому я считаю, что) the media has an influence on each one of in what ever above said categories we are in. While there are also many things which positively influence people's mind, I have purposefully (намеренно) chоose (chose – движимое имущество) to deal with negative aspects as understanding these problems instigates us to (побуждает, подстрекает) seek a suitable solution. We as a parent, a teacher and a good friend can help some of our friends who need help to get themselves out of these problems.