Topic 8 Has TV destroyed communication? An invention of the new technological era, many people have deemed (считают) television as an obstacle for the normal communication in family and among
An invention of the new technological era, many people have deemed (считают) television as an obstacle for the normal communication in family and among friends. Although there may be some negative effects of television's presence in our lives, the positive ones are incontrovertible (неопровержимыми) and even more compelling (более привлекательным). TV is an acknowledged (является признанным) medium of communication (средством общения, коммуникации) that broadens our knowledge, thus providing more topics of conversation among friends and family. I am addicted to the taste. - Я пристрастился к ее вкусу. Though the indiscriminate (неразборчивый) watching of TV programs tends to create inhumane (cruel, brutal) zombies, addicted to the screen and incapable (неспособны) of normal communication, few people actually come down to this state. On the contrary, the discriminating (?selective) choice of TV programs could enrich (может обогатить) people's view and make them feel more informed. Through specialized broadcasts, people usually become more knowledgeable in their fields of work, thus getting capable of a more fulfilling communication with others.
At home, television can always create a warm atmosphere. Imagine a family in front of the TV watching a favorite funny show, laughing, and sharing a common enjoyment. At Christmas and the New Year's Eve, for example, there are shows that contribute to the celebratory atmosphere at home. Although television is said to take up much of the time that we are supposed to spend with our friends, it does not, in fact, spoil communication between friends. It can even provide diverse (разнообразный, разный) topics for conversation, help friends share opinions and interests, and, if those are not enough - help to find friends.
In brief (Короче говоря), television has proved to be (оказался) a plentiful (богатый, обильный) source of information for people of different tastes. Consequently (в результате), it has much contributed to the more enriching and fulfilling communication among family and friends. And although some "enemies" of the technological world try to dismiss it, television has become an inseparable part (Неотъемлемой частью) of our everyday life, making communication more enjoyable.