G Talking numbers
Here are several useful words and expressions connected with numbers: The streets have got odd numbers (e.g. 3, 5, 7) on the left and even numbers (e.g. 4, 6, 8) on the right. I got 16 out of 20 in our last test. Ex.1. How do you say these numbers in English? Write your answers after each one. 462...............................................…………………………….. 21/2.................................................................................……….. 2,345...........................................................………………….… 6.75.................................................................………………… 0.25.....................................................................……………… 31/3........................................................................……………… 1,250,000...........................................................................……. 10.04......….....................……………….................................... 47%.........................................…………………………............. 10 September........................................................……………… 3 July.........................................……………………………….. 602 8477 (phone number)............................................………… –5 centigrade...........................................................…………… In 1903.................................................................……………… In 1876........:.......................................................……………….. Now practise saying them. If possible, record yourself saying them and then record a native speaker of English saying them or someone from your country who speaks English very well. Listen to both. How do you sound?
Ex.2. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 After the game I heard the crowd was over twenty thousands. 2 We arrived on the ten September. 3 There were two hundred twenty altogether. 4 I got twenty-five from forty in my test. 5 My birthday is thirty-one August. 6 My phone number is seven twenty three, six nought nine.
Ex.3. Write answers to these problems. 23 and 36 is...............….. 24 times 8 is...............…. 80 minus 20 is................. 65 divided by 13 is................. Add 10 and 6, multiply by 8, then subtract 40 and divide by 11. What have you got left? Divide 33 by 11, multiply by 7, add 10, and subtract 16. What number is left?
Ex.4. The sentences below are written as they would be spoken. Rewrite them as they would normally be written, using numbers and abbreviated forms. 1 Forty minus fifteen plus six is thirty-one. 2 Eighty-one divided by three is twenty-seven. 3 Three times six is eighteen. 4 Queen Elizabeth the first reigned from fifteen fifty-eight to sixteen oh three. 5 The show is due to commence at seven thirty p.m. on the second of August. 6 It cost me six pounds seventy-five pence. 7 Phone me any time on four double-one four eight five oh. 8 Please note that our reference number is double-four dash seven stroke five oh nine. 9 The total cost is estimated at two million, four hundred and seventy-one thousand, eight hundred and fifty pounds. 10 The mixture is two thirds water. 11 A litre is one point seven six pints. 12 Twenty-two per cent of the candidates passed with distinction. 13 The temperature was thirty degrees centigrade, that is eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit. 14 It measures four feet two and three quarter inches by two feet eight and a half inches. 15 France beat England three nil. (football) 16 Brazil and Italy drew three all. (football) 17 The score stands at thirty love to Becker. (tennis)