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Topic 29 Has human harmed the Earth or made it a better place? The Earth 'our home' is a planet with a wide range of inhabitants

The Earth 'our home' is a planet with a wide range of inhabitants. This diversity helps to maintain the balance of the life cycle on the Earth. We humans have a key role to play in maintaining this ecological system. But today, even amidst the huge cry from environmentalists, we seldom recognize the importance of the environment. Some of the changes on the Earth like deforestation are a result of industrial and automobile emissions and nuclear activities. They bear testimony to our negligence [neɡlɪdʒəns] towards the environment. (На них лежит свидетельство нашей небрежности по отношению к окружающей среде)


Right from our school education we have been taught about the key role played by the forests in maintaining the ecological balance. Forests attribute to release of oxygen and absorb the toxic carbon dioxide exhaled by the humans. Thus the forests act as the natural recycling agents balancing the life on this planet. Deforestation has been taking place for many reasons like manufacture of paper from wood pulp and timber (из целлюлозы и древесины), and for inhabitation by humans. If this trend continues there is no doubt that in the years to come the Earth will become a dry planet.


If deforestation is plundering (разграблять) the gift of God, the pollution of environment by automobile and nuclear emissions is a man made menace (угроза). Metropolitan cities have been so congested (так переполненны) that we are getting used to everyday traffic snarls (пробки, спутывать, брюзжать). Though there has been a worldwide awareness in controlling the automobile emissions in terms of imposing the emission norms on the automobile manufacturers, there is still much left to be done. One step could be to impose the law, to get the vehicle owners check their vehicles for emission norms, once in six months and obtain a valid test certificate.


No one can deny the fact that nuclear emissions are more vulnerable (уязвимый, ранимый) to damage the environment than any thing else. But we are always at the threat of a nuke war, despite the strong efforts of the international organizations like UN. It is a pity that most of the governing nations of the Un are the major threats with nuclear weapons.


Not but not least, the knowledge and the responsibility of safeguarding the environment is seldom seen in the individuals. The fact that all of us have been taught about the importance of environment in our education system makes no difference. The governments should organize more effective campaigns to educate everyone across all demographic levels. Only a socially responsible citizen can make a difference towards the environment our descendents have to live in.


Though I feel that with all above references (ссылки, рекомендации), we humans damage the earth, I feel that I have dealt superficially some of the solutions that help to make the earth a better place to live. Let us hope that in the coming years future generations become socially responsible in safeguarding the earth. After all, we have just one planet (right now!) to live in.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 609. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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