Студопедия — Topic 42 What is a very important skill a person should learn? Two years ago, if you ask a person what do they think is the most important skill to be successful in the world
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Topic 42 What is a very important skill a person should learn? Two years ago, if you ask a person what do they think is the most important skill to be successful in the world

Two years ago, if you ask a person what do they think is the most important skill to be successful in the world, you will get a variety of answers. If you ask a person who is about my age the same question, presumably (предположительно, возможно, вероятно), eight out often will give the same answer as mine - the computer skill is the most important skill a person should learn.


Why I think computer skill is the most important skill? First, computer skills such as operating a word processing software package or typing are convenient and efficient. For example, I am writing this essay by using a computer. If I do not have computer skill, I cannot make a composition as quickly as possible; maybe I can only write on paper. Another example is that many colleges is offering online classes for student to choose from, which means the students can study in the comfort of their homes and acquire their knowledge by means of using computers at home.


Secondly, computers are an important tool for teaching and communicating between teachers and students. Recently, school teachers have an increasingly demand on students to turning in their papers or school works, and the teachers can score on line. If the teacher has a assignment, they just send an e-mail to the students. In addition, many young people use computers to communicate with each other. They use online chat rooms, ICQs and messengers. They even play online games through the Internet. Therefore computer skills are important for students to communicate with their teachers and fellow students.


Last but not least, computer skill helps a person to find a good job after they graduate. As we open newspapers and search for a good job, we can find that computer skill is a required skill for nearly every job. Indeed, whether you work as a receptionist, salesperson, warehouse manager and office clerk, you have to operate a computer and therefore computer skills is absolutely necessary for these jobs and most others.


Although there are many other important skills for a person to succeed in today's world, judging from what I have mentioned above (Исходя из того, что я уже упоминал выше), I think my point of view is solid and sound. Having computer skills is one of the most important things in today's world.


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