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Topic 53 Is money the most important aspect of a job? These days, someone may (кто-то, возможно) hold the opinion that the most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns

These days, someone may (кто-то, возможно) hold the opinion that the most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. It sounds like true, because with a lot of money, one can live a better life materially. Admittedly (следует признать, что), no one can deny the important role money plays in his daily life. But, when you take other aspects of a job into consideration (принимать во внимание), such as the precious skills and experiences one gains from that job, the prospect of the job (перспектива работы) and the social status, you may doubt: Is money the most important? Isn't this attitude too narrow (узкий)? As far as I am concerned (Что же касается меня), I don't agree with the statement, I doubt whether it can bear much analysis.

He couldn't bear the pain. — Он не мог выдержать боли.

We live in a big society that is composed of (которое состоит из) people from all walks of life (всех слоев общества). Different jobs have different functions in this society. For example, the function of cleaners is to keep the city clean and tidy; the function of soldiers is to maintain the safety and peace of the society. Maybe they earn less money than those businessmen, but they still work heart and soul on their duties. I believe it is the contributions they make to society that makes them work that hard!

Put Life into Every Action – вкладывать душу в каждое действие

Now, let's take a close look at the scientists. Some of them spend their whole lives inventing new things, exploring the mysterious things and innovating new technology. The scientists, such as Edison, Einstein and Madam Curie, will be shining like the stars in everyone's heart! We can say, it is the spirits they have, contributions they have made to all human beings, great findings and inventions they have left to us that makes them giants! Thanks to them, the society is developing faster and faster. Can we say what they do is for the sake of money (ради денег)?


Furthermore, if everyone in this society worked only for money, what can it turn out to be (что это может оказаться)? Severe competitions (Тяжелые соревнования) may make people become cold-blooded, force them to use illegal means in order to make profit, or even commit some crimes. For their own benefits, no one would like to help others in the same industry. And the relationships among people might become estranged (отчужденным). To conclude (В заключение), I think money cannot be the most important aspect of a job. Money is not everything! As a saying goes: Money can buy a house but cannot buy a family, money can buy blood but cannot buy one's life, money can buy a wife but cannot buy true love." So, don't stress too much on the money one earns. In fact there are other highlights (моменты) of a job waiting for you to feel, to find.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 735. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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