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Topic 70 Have automobiles improved modern life? Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its

Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its

speed, convenience, and capacity of carrying freights, we have had to pay the

price for it. Now, as more and more automobiles have been putting into use, the

problems that the automobile has caused are seemed to be more and more

serious accordingly. These problems, in my mind, like the accidents, the air

pollution, the damage of the ozone layers should be given more attention than

anytime before.


There are a lot of problems that has been caused by the automobile. It kills

hundreds of thousands of people and disables many more every year. It drinks

up our precious fossil fuels that cannot be replaced. New roads for the

automobile also eat up our precious farmlands while many children are starving

all around the world. These problems are really serious and disturbing many of



The most serious problem caused by the automobile is air pollution. It is said

that it emits millions of tons of harmful gas into the air everyday. The dirty air

harms our human beings health badly. It can cause a variety of diseases such as

plumbism, insomnia, mental disability and even certain kinds of cancer. That is

really terrible.


Air pollution caused by the automobile can give rise to even more serious

consequences. One thing, it will destroy the ozone layer that protect the lives

on the earth from the hurt of the strong and direct ultraviolet rays. Much more

ultraviolet can also destroy the fragile ecosystem on the earth. It is just the life

circle in which we survive. Another thing is that the air pollution caused by the

automobile can lead to the global warming. If the weather is getting warmer

and warmer, the icebergs scattered in both of the two poles of the earth will be

melted, which will cause the sea level rising and flooding all the cities and

villages along the seashores. The lost of the lives and property will be countless.

That is really a tremendous disaster.


I do not mean to deny the fact that the automobile has improved our modern

life in many ways. It acts a vital role in our social life. It also supports our

industries. It is indispensable in our modern life. We cannot imagine how we

can live a modern life without the automobile. However, the problems it has

caused today, such as the lives and properties lost, the dirty air and the

consequences of the pollution, seems to be more dangerous and obvious than

anytime. Therefore, it will never over do to emphasize the seriousness of these

problems and urge the governments and other responsible organizations to

solve them.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 475. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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