Concept check. 1.What are the basic functions of any manufacturing enterprise?
1. What are the basic functions of any manufacturing enterprise? Comment on each of them. 2. What are the objectives of production departments? Complete the list below. 3. The objectives of production departments are sometimes said to be incompatible. Why? 4. What are the three basic phases of the production and operations process? What do they include? Draw up a chart to illustrate your answer. 5. Choose from the items in the table to complete the diagramme below, and give your reasons for classifying each item as an INPUT or an OUTPUT:
6. Define production and operations process. 7. What factors does P/OM include? 8. What problems should producers sort out when organising a manufacturing process? Fill in the chart below.
9. Read the statements and decide whether they are true or false. Comment on your viewpoint. 1) Production departments concentrate only on quantity and quality of manufactured products. 2) Production or operations management is important to all businesses. 3) Production plants, equipment in them and other physical resources are more important for P/OM than human effort. 4) Workers who are motivated will probably be more productive. 5) Large companies are generally obliged to do their own research and development. 6) Decision-making about manufacturing new products or the building of new production facilities follows sales forecasting.