Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету на 3 курсе
What kind of strategic company alliances do you know? Why do companies create strategic alliances? What should CEOs be aware of when venturing into alliances? Do alliances always result in increased shareholder value? What are the reasons why alliances may end in failures? What could be done by both companies to ensure a smooth transition from one corporate culture to another? What is a project? What involves managing a project successfully? What do we call people in charge of a project? What do project managers need on order to complete the work on time and on budget? What are the 4 phases of a project life cycle? Which tasks does the initiation/planning … phase include? Which of the project phases do you consider to be the most important? What was the biggest novelty implemented by British Airports Authority while constructing Heathrow airport’s fifth terminal? What biggest projects of the century do you know? Is it typical of Russian business culture to respect deadlines? What is team work? How are professionalism and efficiency often measured? Why do successful teams accomplish their objectives? In what case is a meeting a success? What is the role if the chair-person/ facilitator? What possible reasons for holding meetings can you name? Which tasks could be easily completed by e-mail, memo or telephone? Which tasks are best achieved in a meeting? What types of alternative meetings do you know? In what situations and for which purposes can they be best used? Which h type of meting would you prefer? Why? In what case are meeting a waste of time? Why do corridor and coffee machine meetings often turn out to be more efficient? What happens if meetings haven’t been properly organized? Are team building/molding activities a necessity? Can teams be built of their own accord? How do you feel about such team building activities as bungee jumping, paintballing, etc? What other activities can help to mould a team? What can management do if team morale is low? What team roles do you know? What are the functions of a team leader/facilitator/recorder/time keeper? Which of the team roles is responsible for: reviewing the agenda; providing resources; providing updates; writing down key points; establishing ground rules? In which of the roles do you see yourself? Your group mates? Why? Team building involves individual members being positive and putting the team’s interests ahead of their own? What other qualities should team members possess? Would you describe Russian business culture as individualistic or collectivist? What’s characteristic of individualistic/collectivist cultures? How might a difference in attitude cause conflict in multicultural teams? Is information a key resource for modern businesses? Why? Does information management have a direct impact on company efficiency? In what form does information flow between different parts of a business’ information system? What allows this information to be gathered, processed, exchanged and stored? What does it mean: to be able to analyse developments in your business in real time? What opportunities do managers get from the fact that they can analyse developments in their business in real time? What are information systems connected to? What common problems do all info systems face nowadays? Why has the amount of info increased so sharply/dramatically in recent years? Do you think it will continue to increase like this? What problems is it fraught with? How has it changed the way that people live? How do communicate information? What is an intranet? What are its advantages? How difficult is to manage an intranet? What are the main security issues for the intranet? Who supplies content for the intranet? Do you think intranets are a good idea, or do they just contribute excessive amounts of information? What is a real-time enterprise? What are the main benefits of a real-time enterprise? How do you deal with excessive amounts of information? Do you think that having a lot of info makes it easier for managers to do their jobs? How will the business of the future be affected by the development of IT? What are some of the risks if business becomes more and more computerized? What is the difference between “business intelligence” and “industrial espionage”? What are the sources of business intelligence? What forms can industrial espionage take? How can competitors obtain info from employees? How can companies protect their info systems? What is the best way to make staff more aware of security risks? What would you do if you suspected that your colleague has given away confidential information? Do we usually ask direct questions or questions that are phrased in an indirect manner and allude to things rather than explicitly state them? In other words: do we belong to direct/indirect culture? What sort of misunderstanding can arise between people from direct/indirect cultures? What is a saturated market? Is consumer electronics market a saturated one? In what ways are consumer electronics products are changing our lives? What innovations have changed for ever the way we work and view the world? What is nanotechnology? (a science that combines computer technology and chemistry to build things from atoms) What opportunities does it offer? In what field has our lifestyle been changed most dramatically? Do you believe that a new range of mobile phones for dogs has recently been launched in the US? How can the potential market for mobile phones in Japan be at least 5 times greater than the population? Why is it good to make use of people’s phones when they are asleep? What reasons can you think of for installing phones on dogs, in cars, laptop computers, household appliances and industrial machinery? Where can telecommunications companies find new untapped markets in order to boost their falling revenues? Why is it said that the mobile industry is “a victim of its own success”? How are some countries allowing poor people to use mobile phones? How may a product or service’s benefits advertised? Why do companies continually have to look for new and innovative ways of advertising? What non-media forms of advertising do they turn to in order to communicate their products’ benefits? What is the cause of the big changes taking place in the advertising industry today? What are the most effective ways of targeting the audience effectively? Do companies usually create their own advertising campaigns themselves? How many adverts do you see every day? Where are they placed? Which three media do you think are used most in advertising? Why are more people rejecting traditional sales messages? Who is “a sophisticated consumer”? Why have some forms of advertising become ineffective? What are the weaknesses of the internet as an advertising medium? What new services have advertising agencies started to offer? What are the most cost effective means of advertising, from your point of view? Is advertising always effective? What proportion of the money spent on advertising may be wasted? How can cost effectiveness of an advertising campaign be measured? What examples of product placement in films, video games or on TV can you think of? Is this an effective form of advertising? What are your most/least favourite adverts? Can you think of any advert that you find distasteful? Should it be banned? Give your reasons! Which current adverts do you think are the most creative in our country? How is the advertising industry regulated in Russia? What sorts of products or services can’t be advertised? What happened in the past when new advertising media appeared? What are peak viewing times in Russia? What subjects should be avoided if you are telling a story in a business context? What determines (lays down) the conditions under which companies can operate in their home markets and abroad? Whose services can companies use to take legal action (litigate) in order to obtain compensation for harm they have suffered? Who represents both sides in a law suit? What do we call the person who brings the lawsuit against the defendant? In what case can businesses be sued? Is it possible to settle lawsuits out of court? How? Do you know any examples where people have sued companies and were awarded unreasonably high compensations? What is your attitude to them? What forms can litigation against companies take? Can litigation affect a Co’s stock price? How? What are the arguments for and against litigation? Why is litigation costing companies more money than before? What are the most common categories of litigation? In some countries more and more people are prepared to litigate either against businesses or against professional people. Will this benefit society in the long term? Is bargaining an accepted part of the interaction when making a purchase in Russia? What are the situations and settings where people are more likely to bargain? Why are brands often referred to as “more than just product names”? What is the main function of a brand? Whose job is it: creating brands and brand awareness? What is brand extension? Why can overexposur5e be damaging to a luxury brand? What brands convey the image of prestige/reliability/exclusivity to the public? Can you give reasons why a brand can lose its image? What should be done if the brand image needs renewing? How are corporate identity and brand image linked? What is a key distinguishing factor in terms of competition? What is the biggest challenge companies face in establishing a clear brand identity? Who are entrepreneurs? How do they make their living? Where does money for a new business come from? Who are business angels? How can profits and dividends for shareholders be increased? What are the responsibilities of professional fund managers? What are ethical investments? What successful investors are familiar to you? What is behavioural finance? Why don’t companies sometimes abandon projects on which they are losing money? Why is it irrational to invest only in your own country? Why are people more concerned about losses than gains? How can wrong decisions affect stock market investors’ future decisions? It you inherited 100000$, how would you invest it? What are the pros and cons of investments such as art, antiques, rare books, wine? Which of them present highest/lowest risk? What does setting priorities mean? If you wanted to set up a new ethical investment fund, what tasks would you come up with first? In what terms do you measure success in life/business? What are fossil fuels? What do energy companies do? What products are derived from petroleum? What essential components for industry are derived from oil? What can drive up oil prices? What makes companies and governments develop alternative or renewable energies? What is creating pollution and causing global warming? What can people do to reduce the amount of energy that they use? Why is it of utmost importance to have objective estimates of petroleum reserves? Which groups have a vested interest in exaggerating oil reserves? Why? How would a shrinking oil supply affect energy companies/ consumers/ economies of developed/ developing countries? What would be the most/least serious consequences of a diminishing supply of petroleum? How do you think people will be affected by developments in the energy industry over the next 10 to 20 years? What are the possible scenarios for the future of the energy sector? What types of energy do you know? What is renewable energy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energies? What do most renewable energies rely on? (the sun) What renewable energies don’t depend on the sun? What are the main users of energy? Can nuclear energy be a solution to the problem of fossil fuels depletion? Would you mind living next to a nuclear power station? What is an IPO? What is a plc? What must a company do before it can go public? Whose services can a Co use to underwrite the offering? Are there any disadvantages of going public? What are they? What are the advantages? How would you decide whether to buy or not to buy shares of a company that was going public? Can you think of an example of a company that has recently gone public? How successful has it been? What do you know about Google? What is unusual about the way it organized its IPO? What are the 2 principles on which Google was founded? Have they retained the principles while going public? What is the difference between the traditional and public auction approach? What are the risks and threats of not following the traditional route and bypassing Wall Street when going public? Has Google made any mistakes while going public? Would you buy Google shares if you were considering making an investment now? Has the company suffered as a result of having antagonized the Wall Street community? If you were a CEO going ahead with plans for an IPO, would you choose an auction or would you use the services of an investment bank? What are the reasons why a business might decide to go public? What is important when making a presentation? When do you have to adapt the style of your presentation? What style of presentation do Russian people use? Is it considered acceptable to use humour in a presentation?
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