DISCUSSION OF THE TEXT. 1. Define the extract and say whether it is a description, a psychological portrayal of personages
1. Define the extract and say whether it is a description, a psychological portrayal of personages, a piece of dramatic prose, a narration, a dialogue. If you find several components, name all of them. 2. Give a brief summary of the text. 3. Divide the text into logically complete parts and give a brief summary of each. 4. Choose a key sentence in each part. 5. What is the mood prevalent in each of the three parts? Prove your statement. 6. What do we get to know about Forsytes as "pillars" of British bourgeois society from the author's passing remark about them? In what connection are they mentioned here? 7. Whose feelings are in the focus of the writer's attention? Is it Jon's or Fleur's feelings that are described at length in the above selection? 8. What are Jon's feelings concerning his reunion with Fleur? What literary devices are used by Galsworthy to make the description of Jon's blissful state more vivid? Comment on the peculiarities of Galsworthy's use of metaphor, metonymy and simile in creating an atmosphere of fairy-tale-like happiness. 9. Which of the two young people is more composed? Speak about the shock Jon received coming unexpectedly on his mother. What made him feel ashamed? How does the writer succeed in conveying the inner state, of his characters? Comment on the use of represented speech as a device revealing Jon's inner state. Was Fleur consumed with shame too? Account for her behaviour. Compare the two characters. 10. What can you say about Irene's and Jolyon's reaction to Fleur's appearance at Robin Hill? Did she gain their favour that way? What does the expression "breach of breeding" imply? Was it only Jon who could be accused of "breach of breeding" or it might be said that Fleur's behaviour was not faultless either? Speak on the subject. 11. Give a summary of your comments on the text.
WORDS AND COMBINATIONS TO BE MEMORIZWED Splendid (a) Generation (n) Various (a) Dignity (n) Defiantly (adv.) Startle (v) Impersonal (a) Utter (v) Breeding (n) Self-possessed (a) Faint (a) [96] To stay with somebody To hold each one’s hands To come on somebody To receive a shock To become conscious that To do an indelicate thing To be confused with a shame To meet somebody by accident To be self-possessed To enjoy seeing somebody To cast somebody level with the ground To lead on To take somebody in To catch a train To arrange a meeting