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Read the article below about corporate social responsibility

Choose the best sentence from A–F below to fill each of the gaps.

For each question 1–6, mark one letter.

Do not use any letter more than once.

Corporate social responsibility is all about how your business can make a positive contribution to life in the places where you operate. (1) ____. It is about working in partnership with others to improve the environment and life conditions of the communities you operate in.


(2) ____. These can be reduced costs, a better reputation, improved morale and better skills development. Working with the local community can lead to an improved relationship with partners and clients. Projects can lead to innovation and the better management of risks. It is a win-win situation for both the community and your business, and will enhance shareholder value.


CSR starts within the firm in such areas as code of practices governing the giving and receiving of gifts and hospitality, to extending these codes outside the business to your suppliers. (3) ____. It means supporting charities and using company resources – people, time and money – in specific projects with local partners. (4) ____.


Some analysts argue, though, that we should move away from corporate social responsibility to personal social responsibility. (5) ____.


Another issue is how the results of CSR are reported. (6) ____.The current situation of short paper-based reports with more information publicly available on the Internet seems to be the standard model to follow.



A It seems unlikely that this will move to being completely based on the Web.


B It may be a case of releasing a manager to lend their expertise to a worthy project or developing, funding and supporting a larger scale project.


C Rather than the corporation being responsible, it is everyone inside and outside the company who should contribute what they can to social improvements.


D There are many benefits.


E It is about more than just providing employment for your workers.


F It means recognizing the merit of individual members of staff and being fully transparent with regulatory agencies, customers and the public if something goes wrong.


Task 2

10 points

Complete this text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.



I (1) ____________ (offer) a job yesterday working for BP. They (2) ____________ (be) a great company to work for. They (3)____________ (operate) in many interesting countries – last month a new office (4)____________ (open) in Ecuador.


The interview (5) ____________ (be) really difficult. I (6) ____________(ask) lots of challenging questions.


I (7) ____________ (give) a copy of their code of conduct which I (8)____________ (have) to read and learn before I start work, so that’s going to be my bedtime reading for a while! I (9) ____________ (be) very much looking forward to (10) ____________ (work) for them.


Part 2 Writing


Task 1

5 points


Write an email based on the following brief. Write about 50–60 words.


You are the mayor of a small town in Slovakia. A large multi-national company has just announced the closure of the factory it operates in your town. 150 people will lose their jobs.


Write an email to the director of the factory, Ms J. Johns:


· Say that you are unhappy with the company's decision

· Say that promises have been broken

· Ask her for an urgent meeting

· Suggest a date and time



To: J Johns
Subject: Urgent meeting

Task 2


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 4995. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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