Scales, watt, direct, ohm, alternating, absorption, electrostatic charges, high, amperes).
1. The … is a unit for measurement of resistance. 2. The ampere is equal to 3,000 million … per second. 3. The … is a unit of power developed by an electric device. 4. The ammeter has a low resistance coil to avoid … of an appreciable amount of power. 5. The resistance of the voltmeter operating coil must be as … as possible to limit the amount of a consumed current. 6. The multimeter is designed to measure electrical quantities of both … and … current. 7. Ammeters measure the current flowing in a circuit and normally have … graduated in ….
Exercise 55. Translate the following questions into English and answer them. 1. Для вимірювання якого параметру електричного струму використовується ампер? 2. Чому дорівнює 1 ампер? 3. В яких одиницях вимірюється напруга? 4. На яку напругу розраховані електричні побутові прилади в Європі? 5. Для чого слугує амперметр? 6. Чому амперметр має котушку низького опору? 7. Яким приладом вимірюється електрична потужність? 8. Чому вольтметр повинен мати великий опір? 9. На честь якого вченого назвали одиницю потужності? 10. Як називається одиниця електричного опору? 11. В яких одиницях вимірюється сила струму?
Exercise 56. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive tense forms. 1. A kilowatt-hour (kWt) is a unit of energy that (transfer) at a constant rate of one kilowatt for one hour. 2. Alessandro Volta (develop) the so-called Voltaic pile, which (produce) a steady electric current. 3. The ammeter (use) to measure the flow of current through a conductor. 4. The scale (calibrate) to read milliamperes or microamperes, depending on the magnitude of the current. 5. The measuring instrument (connect) in parallel. 6. We may (connect) a number of cells in series to produce a large voltage. 7. Electric current (flow) only through a closed circuit. 8. If we (open) a circuit anywhere the electric current (stop) flowing. 9. The generator (create) the electromotive force. 10. Mechanical energy (convert) into electrical energy by the generator.
Exercise 57. Make the following sentences interrogative. 1. A voltmeter is connected in parallel across the points of a circuit to measure the difference of potential. 2. Ammeters measure the current flowing in a circuit. 3. A wattmeter combines three instruments in one. 4. Modern digital multimeters measure the main electrical quantities, temperature and frequency. 5. A number of factors will determine the resistance. 6. The ammeter had a low resistance coil.
[1] Either … or – або … або