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Future Trends 2

Computing is changing and developing at a very fast pace. Although it is impossible to predict the future with any certainty, one thing we can be sure of is that the hardware and software we will be using in twenty or thirty years’ time will be very different from what is in use today.

Videophones, electronic pets, and robots already exist- and may become more common in the future. The development of smaller computers and computing networks is making it easier for computers to be used in more situations.It is already necessary ho have some computing skills for most jobs.

Education will use computing systems more in the future, but some people argue that increased use of machines is not necessarily a good thing, and will not lead to creative thinling or adequate interpersonal skills.

Increased ease of communication and the ability to easily store vast amounts of readily accessible information will change many aspects of our lives.These factors may create more centralized control and change the relations between countries. Three features of our daily lives that are certainly likely to be affected are health, shopping, and money.

The increased ease of communication made possible by computers is likely to have an important effect on the daily lives of physically disabled people. Miniature computers may be used to monitor our health, and the use of computer-controlled body implants is likely to develop to some extent, although it is difficult to know how far these developments will be accepted by society. 3-D virtual reality systems can be used on the Internet to make shopping easier, and smart cards may be used to provide an electronic money system.

Computers will open up many possibilities for mankind. Perhaps humans may one day travel to other planets and even discover other worlds. This unit, however, focuses on future developments in the specific areas of education, health, shopping, and money.

3 Answer the following questions:

1 Will the hardware and software be very different from what is in use today?

2 May videophones, electronic pets, and robots become more common in the future?

3 Is it already necessary ho have some computing skills for most jobs?

4 What makes it easier for computers to be used in more situations?

5 Is use of machines in education a good thing? What is your opinion of all this?

6 What systems can be used on the Internet to make shopping and electronic money system easier?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 455. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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