PLANS OF SEMINARS Topic 1. INTRODUCTION TO ROMAN LAW What you need to know: 1. Periods of the History of the Roman State and Law2. A legendary period3. A republican period4. An imperial period5. The reception of Roman LawControl tasks to the topic 1: 1. What is Roman Law? 2. To what extent did Roman Law influence the English legal system? 3. What does the term, Classical Roman Law, mean? 4. How do we know about Roman Law? 5. What religious and legal legacies did Rome leave? - Roman Empire played major role in spreading Christianity - Roman Catholic Church became powerful Western European organization - Eastern Orthodox Church was official religion of Byzantine Empire 6. Consider the history of the development of the law of the XII Tables. Give an opinion about their origin and nature. Can they be considered as a codification of civil law? 7. Analyze the origin and characteristics of jus civile? 8. What are the sources of ancient Roman law? 9. What is the Corpus Iuris Civilis? 10. What is the Gloss? 11. Why is Roman Law still important today? Questions 1. What is wrong with this mancipatio: Salvius Julianus wishes to buy a plot of Italian land owned by Quid Pro Quo. He brings together five Roman citizens as witnesses, two of whom are 19 years old, the other 3 being over 25. He also brings along a libripens, also over 25, but still not sui iuris. The ceremony is performed in Rome although the land is over 200 miles away. Moreover, Quid Pro Quo is not in actual possession of the land, but has rented it for the year to a neighbor.
2. Julius Caesar wishes to help his old friend Junius Brutus, who has fallen on hard times. Not knowing much about the law, he goes around to a well-known firm of lawyers and asks them about mancipatio: a. Brutus and I have always enjoyed staying at my summer cottage in Spain. Can I mancipate it to him? b. I also wish him to have one of my family mansions in Rome, along with my ancestral right of drawing water from the well of my neighbor there? c. And can I mancipate to him my faithful slave Goofy and my old dog Pluto?