Студопедия — Questions. 1. Caesar had an only child, his daughter Julia, on whom he doted, and a favorite nephew, Octavius, who has been adrogated by Pompey
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Questions. 1. Caesar had an only child, his daughter Julia, on whom he doted, and a favorite nephew, Octavius, who has been adrogated by Pompey

1. Caesar had an only child, his daughter Julia, on whom he doted, and a favorite nephew, Octavius, who has been adrogated by Pompey. It was Caesar's wish that Octavius and Julia should marry and carry on his family after his death. How would he ensure that any children they had would be his own agnates?

2. A rich man named Albert had a slave named Herman. Herman was a model slave: he polished Albert's sandals, primped his wreath and ironed his toga. But Herman hoped for more; he hoped to be a businessman and Albert was not about to hold him back. Albert bought a boat, made Herman captain, and sent him off to purchase grain in Carthage for transport to Rome. When Herman returned from his voyage, he sold the grain to a local merchant named Adolf and returned to Albert to report his success. Albert was so happy that he called for his will, added Herman as the 122nd of the 10,000 slaves whose freedom Albert would grant in his will, and made Herman his heir. The next day, Adolf came to Albert's house to demand that Albert refund the money for the grain, which had been spoilt. When he arrived, he learned that Albert had passed away the previous night. Did Adolf have any recourse?

3. Burns and Flanders agreed that their children, Barney and Lisa, both aged 13, should be married. They also agreed not to tell the boy's grandfather (Gramps) because the old man was morally opposed to the marriage. When the boy refused to have anything to do with the lovely Lisa, Flanders sued Burns for breach of contract. Who won?

4. On a lovely day in June 300 BC, Marge married Homer by coemptio, in a colorful ceremony complete with singing, torches, and flute players. Romantic though she was, Marge was no fool: in order not to lose control of her property, she stayed at her sister Selma's house three nights in-a-row every year thereafter to keep out of her husband's manus. When Homer later died intestate, their son, Bart (born the day after his father's sad end) and his tutor demanded the entire estate; Marge and her tutor opposed them. Who won what?

3. In fact, there had been a scandal. Homer had only married Marge out of duty, since she was the daughter of an old friend of his father. As time went on and no children had yet appeared, Homer turned for solace to another woman, Ms. Crusty, a Roman citizen, and set her up as his recognized concubine. To his delight, she bore him a son, Apu. Several years later, Marge, though pregnant, divorced him and Homer was at last free to marry Ms. Crusty, which he did, and thus to legitimize Apu. He then died suddenly and without a will. Did Apu get the estate?


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