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At the Interview

If you manage to get an interview – do not waste the opportunity. The employer is now seriously interested in the picture you have given of your skills, qualifications and potential commitment.

Large organisations often use particular selection techniques to supplement their interviewing procedures. These include the use of intelligence tests, critical thinking and other aptitude tests, personal preference questionnaires, group discussions and group or individual exercises to see how well you can cope with particular problems. If such methods are used you are certain to have them clearly explained before you start. You are also likely to be asked to assess how well you think you have done, so think about this in advance.

The interview is also your chance to find out about the job at first hand; to discuss it with the employer, meet other people in the organisation, look at the establishment, understand the product or service and its market, discuss the training offered and the prospects of development and progression within the organisation.

To succeed make note of the following advice.

1. The first two or three minutes are important in establishing rapport. Try to develop a friendly approach; smile; relax; shake hands; address the person by name. Look at the interviewer and show interest in what is being said.

2. Take a moment to think about answers to the questions. Listen carefully; speak clearly and do not rush.

3. Be natural and honest. Be positive and concentrate on achievements and experience. Do not make false claims.

4. Do not answer “yes” or “no”; support your answers with examples and give reasons for your opinions. At the same time, stick to the point and remember that the interviewer’s time is limited.

5. Use the interview to find out what you want to know about the job and the organisation, including such aspects as career prospects, pension scheme, and fringe benefits.

6. Use every opportunity to stress that you are not just after any job but that you are really keen to work for the company which is interviewing you.

7. Above all, try not to treat the interview as an examination in which you are always on the receiving end. Use it instead as an opportunity for a full frank exchange of information. Do not be afraid to ask for more information or to put your own questions.

8. Dress smartly but comfortably, as you will be judged in some respects by what you wear. When in doubt, dress conservatively.

After the interview and while it is fresh in your mind, analyse how you think the interview went and note any points for which you were unprepared or which you found difficult to answer. Build your experience with each interview so that you become more confident and knowledgeable.

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