Lesson 3. e-mail електронна пошта transmission передача subscriber абоне
Text: E-mail Grammar: Possession
Terms to remember:
The most widely-used function on the Internet is e-mail (electronic mail). E-mail is the transmission and distribution of information through personal computers linked to the telephone system, which allows subscribers to send a message directly to another subscriber that will appear in their electronic mail box. Using e-mail, you can send messages to anyone with an Internet account, and most businesses today have an electronic mailing address. E-mail is cheap and easy to use. In business, e-mail provides cheap and rapid communication between the employees of an organization, and between a company and its clients and suppliers. An e-mail address contains an identifier, i.e. the user name. After that comes the symbol “@” (pronounced “at”), followed by the domain name, which identifies the server that is used to send your mail, the category of organization and the country code. The different elements of the domain name are separated by dots. There is no full stop at the end.
Example: chef@coral.com.cy
This e-mail address is said in the following way: chef, at coral, dot com, dot Cy.
Exercises in Word Study
Ex.1. Form nouns from the following verbs: transmit, distribute, compute, subscribe, communicate, employ, identify, serve.
Ex.2. Τhe following words can be used in more than one way. Underline the correct part of speech for each word as it is used in the text.
Ex.3. Give the English for: електронна пошта; передача та розповсюдження інформації; абонент; посилати повідомлення; електронна поштова скринька; електронна адреса; дешевий та швидкий зв’язок; постачальники; працівники; сервер; код країни.