Article 43. Correctional Labor
1. Correctional labour shall be appointed for a period from two months up to two years, and shall be served in the place of work of a given convict.
2. From wages of a convict earned from correctional labour, withholdings shall be made to the revenues of the state in the amount established by a court's sentence, within the limits from five to twenty five percent.
3. Correctional labour may not be sentenced upon persons who are recognised as incapable of work, who do not have permanent work, or who study in educational institutions with their work being discontinued. Instead of correctional labour, a court may exact upon such persons a fine calculated as follows: the amount of a fine equal to one monthly calculation base established by legislation for one month of correctional labour, if a sanction of the relevant article of the Special Part of the present Code does not stipulate punishment in the form of a fine. A court may also replace correctional labour with a fine, if indicated circumstances arose during the period of serving punishment.
4. In case of a malicious evasion of serving a term of punishment by a person sentenced to correctional labour, a court may replace an unserved term of correctional labour with a punishment in the form of restriction of freedom, arrest, or deprivation of freedom for the same period.