Article 47. Detention in a Disciplinary Military Unit
1. Detention in a disciplinary military unit shall be sentenced upon military servicemen who undergo military service as enlisted men, as well as those who undergo it under a contract, holding rank-and-file positions or positions of non-commissioned officers, if they, as of the moment of the passing by a court of a sentence, have not served the term of service as draftees as established by law. This punishment shall be sentenced for a period from three months up to two years in cases stipulated by the relevant articles of the Special Part of the present Code for the commission of military crimes, as well as in cases in which a court, taking into consideration the circumstances of a given case, and the personality of a convict, deems it expedient, instead of deprivation of freedom for a period of not more than two years, to sentence the convicted to detention in a disciplinary military unit for the same period. Detention in a disciplinary military unit, instead of deprivation of freedom, may not be sentenced upon persons who earlier served punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom.
2. In case of detention in a disciplinary military unit instead of deprivation of freedom, a period of detention in a disciplinary military unit shall be calculated on the basis of one day of deprivation of freedom for one day of detention in a disciplinary military unit.