Article 129. Libel and Slander
1. Libel, that is the distribution of deliberately false information which is defaming to the honor and dignity or another person, or which undermines his reputation, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from one hundred up to two hundred fifty monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to two months, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred twenty up to one hundred eighty hours, or by correctional labour for a period up to one year.
2. Slander which is contained in a public speech, or in a publicly displayed work, or in mass information media, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from two hundred up to five hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from two to five months, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred eighty up to two hundred forty hours, or by correctional labour for a period form one year up to two years, or by restriction of freedom for a period up to two years, or detention under arrest for a period up to six months.
3. Slander combined with an accusation of a person in the commission of a grave or an especially grave corruption crime, - shall be punished by restriction of freedom for a period up to three years, or deprivation of freedom for the same period.