Article 143. Illegal Violation of Private Correspondence, Telephone Calls, and Mail, Telegraph, or Other Messages
1. Illegal violation of the confidentiality of written correspondence, telephone calls, and mail, telegraph, or other messages of citizens, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from fifty up to one hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to one month, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred twenty up to one hundred eighty hours, or by correctional labor for a period up to one year.
2. The same act committed by a person with the use of his service position, or special technical means intended for secret receipt of information, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from five hundred up to two thousand monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages of other income of a given convict for a period from one to three months, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to engage in certain types of activity for a period from two to five years, or by correctional labour for a period up to two years, or by detention under arrest for a period from two up to four months.
3. Illegal making, production, sale, or purchase for the purposes of sale, of special technical means intended for the secret receipt of information, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from five hundred up to two thousand monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from two to five months, or by restriction of freedom for a period up to three years, or by imprisonment for a period up to three years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to engage in certain types of activity for a period up to three years.