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People around me

Frankly speaking, I am a happy person: I have loving parents and grandparents, good friends, talented students in my group and all people around me are really respectful.

I have a traditional family of four: mother, father, sister and me. I live with my parents in the flat, but I have also grandparents. They are on a pension. My grandparents live in the village. In summer I like to visit them. They always give me good advice and they are ready to help me when I need it. I don’t know what I will do without them. I know that I can rely on them. I have also many relatives. At leisure I visit them and play with their children.

I have a lot of friends: male and female. I also think that I understand them completely. I love and respect my friends and I am afraid of losing them.

I study at Technologies and Business College and I have a large group. I try to be in touch with all of my friends and students at college. I keep up also friendly relations with teacher’s stuff of our college.


Exercise 2. Put the letters in correct order and build a necessary word (Поставте букви у правильному порядку і побудуйте необхідне слово):

1. I am a happy person: I have loving parents and grandparents, good friends, talented students in my group and all people around me are really …. (SREPCEFTLU)

2. My grandparents live in the … (LAILGVE)

3. They always give me good … and they are ready to help me when I need it. (AVDEIC)

4. Besides my parents and friends I have also many…. (RALETIVSE)

5. At leisure I visit them and play with their …. (RECHILND)

6. I also think that I … them completely. (URNDSETDAN)

7. I love and … my friends and I am afraid of losing them. (RTEESPC)

8. I study at … and I have a large group. (GCEOLLE)

9. I try to be in … with all of my friends and students at college. (CHOTU)

10. I keep up also friendly … with teacher’s stuff of our college. (RLEAOTISN)


Exercise 3. Arrange the word phrases into two columns: (Розставте слова в правильні колонки):

to have loving parents, talented groupmates, frank friends, friendly teacher’s staff, a busy mother, to understand and to respect, to keep up friendly relations with, male and female friends, to be a pensioner, a tall uncle, to give a good piece of advice, to study at college, to watch TV with friends, a pretty niece, to have a chat with students, to rely on daddy, to be fond of sports, to be very important part of life, an elder brother, to have own opinion, to have common interests.


Family relations People around me


Exercise 4. Arrange the dialogue phrases in the logical order (Впорядкуйте у правильній послідовності репліки діалогу):

- Oh, clear. What do you want to do today?

- I went to the cinema.

- Today I like to watch TV and listen to music. And you?

- Hi, John. I didn’t see you yesterday. Is something wrong?

- I know for sure, they are very talented and successful persons. The students of my group respect them very much.

- I understand, what did you do yesterday?

- See you later.

- Yes, I know that you can give good advice. You keep up friendly relations with everybody. I hear that you are a first-year student, what about teacher’s stuff?

- Hello. No, everything is fine, thanks. I just wanted to have a rest yesterday.

- I’d like to call one of the girls from my group. She has a problem. I discuss with her everything she wants. And I just want to be in touch with her.

- So. I have to go. It was pleasant to meet you.


Exercise 5. Using all mentioned vocabulary, answer the questions (Використовуючи всю використану лексику, дайте відповіді на запитання):

1) What do friends mean to you?

2) What makes a friend be the best friend?

3) What makes you be a good person?

4) Are you in touch with all of your old friends?

5) What would life be like without friends, people around you?

6) Are you afraid of losing your parents?

7) Are friends sometimes more important than family?

8) Do you think you understand your teachers?

9) What can you do for your friends, your parents?

10) If you could choose any friend in the world, who would it be?

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences (Перекладіть речення):

1. У мене є найкращий друг і я завжди можу покластися на нього. Він розуміє мене та я можу з ним обговорити все, що захочу.

2. Оля підтримує дружні відносини зі своїми давніми друзями. Вона ходить з ними гуляти по парку, слухає музику, спілкується та боїться їх втратити.

3. Моя сестра дуже талановита. Вона захоплюється танцями і гарно співає.

4. У мене люблячі батьки та чудові друзі. Я також маю дідуся та бабусю, вони зараз на пенсії.

5. Люди, що мене оточують є важливою частиною мого життя.

Lesson 6. Student’s Working Day (Робочий день студента)

Exercise 1. Read the following expressions, mind your pronunciation:

[o] – to w a sh face, to w a tch TV, to go sh o pping

[o:] – to w a lk around the park, to w a sh clothes, to call a friend

[i:] – to cl ea n the house, to sl ee p well, to f ee d a dog, fr ee time, to brush t ee th

[ Λ ] – to c o me home, to wake u p, to have l u nch, to do s o me work, s o metimes

[e] – to have br ea kfast, to go to b e d, to write l e tters, to g e t up early, to pr e ss clothes


am alarm-clock, an alarm-clock rings – будильник, будильник дзвонить

to be accustomed to rising early – мати звичку вставати рано

to have/ to take a (hot) bath – приймати ванну

to brush/ comb oneself/ one`s hair – розчісувати волосся

to wash oneself - вмиватись

to brush one`s teeth – чистити зуби

to do morning exercises – робити ранкову зарядку

to dress oneself/ to get dressed/ to put on clothes – одягатися

to feel/ to be sleepy, tired – почуватися/ бути сонним, втомленим

to get up – вставати з ліжка

to jump out of bed – зіскакувати з ліжка

to make one`s bed – застеляти ліжко

to put on a light make-up – накладати легкий грим

to organize the time wisely – мудро розподіляти час

to rush out of the house – поспішати з дому

time-table – розпорядок роботи

to take minutes/ hours to do smth/ to get somewhere – займати

хвилини/ години, щоб зробити щось/ добратись кудись

to clean one`s room/ to do/ to tidy up - прибирати кімнату

to give the house a special clean – влаштувати генеральне прибирання

to clear the table – прибирати зі столу

to lay the table – накривати на стіл

to wash the dishes/ to wash up – мити посуд

to cook/ make/ prepare breakfast/ dinner/ supper/ lunch/ coffee/ tea

готувати сніданок, обід, вечерю, чай, каву

to dust the furniture – витирати пил з меблів

to go shopping – ходити за покупками

to do washing – прати

to iron (press) clothes – прасувати одяг

to sweep the floor - підмітати підлогу

to hoover/ to vacuum – пилососити

to sleep – спати

to have a good, healthy sleep – мати гарний, здоровий сон

to oversleep – проспати

to wake smb up – будити когось

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text (Прочитайте та перекладіть текст):


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