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Exercise 2. Match the underlined words in the sentences taken from the text to their equivalents.

нападаючий _________ спорядження, ранець ___________

фланг ______________ турнір ________________

гравець, що тренується _____ напівзахисник ____________

механік, монтер______


1. His father was a gas fitter's assistant...

2....he also had a new Manchester United kit every year.

3....David joined Manchester United as a trainee.

5. David was playing inside, instead of his usual position right wing.

6. Beckham played brilliantly and won his place as " The Best Mid­fielder ".

7. He scored nine goals and assisted 10 goals for strikers.

Exercise 3. Read the text carefully and find:

— the name of the team Beckham played at school for;

— the names of the other young perspective players at " Man­chester United ";

— the dates of the worst season in David's career;

— the dates of the best season in David's career.

His father was a gas fitter's assistant and his mother was a hairdresser. They had 3 children, Lynne, David and Jtianne. His father always dreamed of being a footballer as a boy, now this dream was passed on to David. His parents always brought him a new football for Christmas and he also had a new "Manchester United" kit every year.

By the age of 8, Beckham was scoring more than a hundred goals over 3 seasons for his team, "Ridgeway Rovers". At age 11 he won at the Soccer Tournament at Old Trafford, the home of "Manchester United". David had always been devoted to the team.

In July 1991, David joined "Manchester United" as a trainee. David Beckham was established at "Manchester United" as one of the most famous footballers. He was surprised and happy.

In the beginning of 1995—1996 season, the manager of "Manchester United" Alex Ferguson shocked the fans by selling three best young players Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville and David Beckham. When the team lost their first match against "Aston Villa", Alan Hansen said "You can't win anything with kids". The young men proved that Hansen was wrong when they won the second match three years later. At that time David was already scoring many important goals.

David's life changed completely in the opening game of the 1996—1997 season against "Wimbledon". David was playing inside, instead of his usual position right wing. In the final couple of minutes he scored a goal which made him famous.

The 1998 World Cup wasn't successful, David received the red card from the referee, and the team lost. All the players were upset and disappointed.

The season of 1998—1999 was probably the best in David's
professional career. He managed to score some of the spectacular goals he used to do in the 1997 season. “ Manchester United ” won the Premiership title, the PA Cup and the European Cup. In March 1999 David became a father and then in July married Victoria Adams of the " Spice Girls ".

In the 1999—2001 season Beckham played brilliantly and won his place as " The Best Mid­fielder”. He scored 9 goals and assisted 10 goals for strikers. The news that surprised the whole world was Beckham's new hairstyle. He shaved his head.

David Beckham’s footballing skill is without doubt a shining example for all other footballers to follow. And with every game he plays, domestic or international, his reputation becomes higher. He shows only the best football and scores spectacular goals.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below:

1. David's father had a dream to become a....

2. David's mother was a....

4. David changed his life by... a spectacular goal in the game against "Wimbledon".

5. In the 1998 World Cup Beckham received.....

6. The whole world was shocked because David changed his... in

the 1999—2001 season.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 737. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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